Working with Assessment Response Management

Use the Assessment Response Management page to review the details of the assessments.

  1. Select Manage > Assessment Response Management on the navigation bar.
  2. Click the arrow corresponding to an assessment name. The details page is displayed.
  3. Review this information
    Assesses Name
    The name of the user to whom the questionnaire has been assigned.
    The status of the assessment. Possible values:
    • Pending

      The assignee is yet to start the review.

    • In Review

      The assignee has started to review the questionnaire and not completed.

    • Submitted

      The assignee has reviewed, answered, and submitted all the questions.

    • Completed

      The responses of the assignee are approved.

    • Rejected

      The responses of the assignee are rejected.

    Total Questions
    The number of questions in the questionnaire.
    Last Updated on
    The date and time when the assessment has been updated.
    Last Updated By
    The name of the user who last updated the questionnaire.

    You can use this page to:

    • Reassign an assessment using the Reassign option.
    • Take action on the response details provided by the assignee.