Provision Configurations

Use this section to modify the provision settings that are configured on the Access Management Insights tab of the Configurations page.
Note: You can modify these settings, only if the override option is selected on the Configurations page.
Specify these details:
Analysis Options

The option to analyze the provision.

Select the Analyze Provision on Creation check box to analyze the provision when the provision is created.
Provisioner Comments

The comments of the user who created the provision.

Select the Make Provisioner Comments Mandatory check box to enforce the comments of the provision creator.
Non-Responsive Provisions
The actions to be performed for the non-responsive provisions.

Possible values:

  • Do not cancel: The provision is retained in the current state.
  • Cancel after specified number of days: The provision is cancelled after the specified number of days. Specify the number of days after which the provision is cancelled.
Violation Mitigation
The options for mitigating the violations.

Possible values:

  • Mitigation not Required: Mitigation of violations is not required.
  • Mitigation Required: Violations must be mitigated. You can select one of these options for mitigation:
    • Enforce Mitigation for Approved Objects only: Only approved objects must be mitigated.
    • Allow Violation Mitigation in All Stages:Violations can be mitigated in all stages.