June 2022 Production Update

This chapter describes the enhancements to the functionalities in the Infor GRC version 2022.06

Certification Manager

This section describes the enhancements related to Certification Manager Insight:

  • The Certification Manager reviews can be reassigned only when you select the Allow self-Review check box while defining stage conditions. The name of the review and the user to be reassigned must be the same. Else, the application displays the “One or more review reassignments violates the self-review condition, those reassignments will be skipped” warning message.
  • The Last Modification Date Time field is introduced when reviewing users in a Certification Manager process. You can use the additional attributes of this field to review users modified after a specific date and time.

Authorizations Insight

The Authorizations Insight is enhanced to update a manager name based on the ManagerEmailID value specified in 'authorizationobject' (authorizationobject.JSON) object. The manager must be an IFS user with a valid GRC role.

However, if the name of the manager is available in 'authorizationobject' object (from any application) and 'SecurityUserMaster' object (from IFS), the name received from the latest object is considered and displayed in the application.