Creating a math rule condition

You can create a math rule to find out all the supplier invoices that has 'Cash' in the payment term description and the total amount is greater than 100000.

  1. Click Design > Business Controls > Rule Books.
  2. Click the arrow option corresponding the Process Insight rule book in which you want to create the new Process Insight rule.
  3. Click New. The New Rule page page is displayed.
  4. Click the Conditions tab.
  5. Select a template to create the conditions. You can create one of these conditions:
    • Math function - Where Clause

      Specify this condition:

      Math rule condition

      Note: The rule with this condition will fetch all the supplier invoices that has 'Cash' in payment term description and the total Extended Report Amount is greater than 100000.
    • Math function - Where clause Group by

      Specify this condition:

    Note: You must right click the Conditions, Select Operator, and the Sum of menus to add values.
  6. Click Save.