Creating a Duplicate Rule condition using the Default Template

You can create a duplicate Rule to identify the duplicate records within an object.

  1. Click Design > Business Controls > Rule Books.
  2. Click corresponding to the Process Insight Rule Book in which you want to create the new Process Insight Rule.
  3. Click . The New Rule page page is displayed.
  4. Click the Conditions tab.
  5. Select the Duplicate Rule - Default Template option to create the rule.
  6. Click to select these attributes in the grid.

    The comparison of attributes can be made with the Exact Match or the Fuzzy Match operator. The Exact Match operator searches for the exact match of the attribute data while the Fuzzy Match operator searches the similar (not exact) attribute data. For the Fuzzy Match operator you must specify the minimum and the maximum threshold value for the attribute data comparison.

  7. Specify these conditions.

  8. Click Save.
The rule with this condition identifies all the duplicate supplier records.