Violation list
Use the Violations page to review the list of violations generated.
To access this page, select
on the navigation bar.Note: To review the violations on this page, you must ensure that an application instance is
created for the live streaming of the extracted ERP data and an analysis task is performed
on the extracted data. Users accessing this page must have permissions to the application
instances, the rule books or the rules considered for the analysis.
You can review this information. You can also use the Filters section to review the specific violations. For details, see Filters.
- Violating Objects
- The objects that have generated violations. Possible values:
- For Authorizations Insight for Infor,
the objects can be:
- Users
- Roles
- For Process Insight for Infor and Watchlist Insight, the primary violating object used in the analysis.
- For User Activity Insight for Infor, the object is User.
- For Authorizations Insight for Infor,
the objects can be:
- Rule
- The rules considered for the analysis.
- Rule Book
- The rule books including the rules considered for the analysis.
- Violation Status
- The status of the violation. See, Violation status.
- Data Sources
- The data sources associated to the selected Insight.
- Application Instance
- The application instance used for analyzing the data.
- Reason
- The number of times the condition of the rule was violated. Note: This field is displayed only for the Process Insight violations.
- Match %
- This % match for duplicates in a Fuzzy rule. Note: This field is displayed only when you select Process Insight for Infor.
- Reviewer
- The users assigned the role of a Reviewer for the violation.
- Rule Priority
- The priority assigned to the rules.
- Comments
- The additional information related to the violations. Click to review the comments.
You can also use this page to:
- Display the details of the violations, using the option.
- Mitigate violations, using the option. Note: This option is enabled only when you select at least one violation to mitigate.
- Assign violations to other Infor GRC users, using the option. Note: This option is enabled only when you select at least one violation to assign.
- Discuss violations with other Infor GRC users, using the option. Note: This option is enabled only when you select at least one violation to discuss.
- Add comments to violations, using the option. Note: This option is enabled only when you select at least one violation to comment.
- Download the list of violations, using the
option. Note: This option is enabled only when you select at least one violation to download.
Note: You can also mitigate, assign, discuss violations, or add comments to a violation from
the Violation Details page.