Task list

Use the Tasks page to review and monitor the list of all the tasks.

To access this page, select Monitor > Tasks on the navigation bar.

You can review this information:

Task Name
The name of the task.
The status of the task.

Possible values:

  • Queued
  • In progress
  • Completed
  • Failed
  • Stopped
  • Completed with Errors
  • Stopping
The type of the task. Possible values:
  • Rule Analysis
  • Duplicate Rule Books
  • Copy Rules to Rule Books
  • Import Rule Books
  • Export Rule Books
  • Generic Bulk Exclusion
  • What-if Analysis
  • Import Compensating Controls
  • Export Compensating Controls
  • Report Subscription
  • Import Functional Areas
  • Export Functional Areas
  • Download Violation Data
  • GDPR Object Anonymization
  • GDPR Object Data Collection
  • GDPR Object Deletion
  • GDPR Stop Object Monitoring
  • Master Process Execution
  • Process Execution
  • Delete Rule Book
  • Delete Data Source
  • Delete Certification Process
  • Delete Rules
  • Delete Conditions
  • Reassign Process Execution
  • Data Purge
  • IFS User Deletion
  • GDPR Resume Monitoring
  • Download Process Data
  • Create Snapshot
  • Delete Baseline
  • Data Extraction
  • Data Source Extraction Schedule Configuration
  • Create or Update Controls Mapping
  • Delete Controls Mapping
  • Data Upload
  • Create Data Source
  • Update Data Source

The priority set for the task. Possible values:

  • Critical
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low
Start Date
The date on which the task has been initiated.
The time required to complete the task.
Data Source
The Data source used for the task.
The user who created the task.
Additional information related to the status of the task.
The actions that can be performed on the tasks. Possible values:
  • Retry Analysis: This functionality is applicable to the analyses that have failed after successful data collection.

Tasks are executed based on the priority assigned to the task. Some tasks can run concurrently with the other tasks. For details, see Task priorities and Concurrent tasks .

Note: The Task page displays only the tasks initiated by the logged on user if the user is assigned to the IGRC Self-Service role only.

You can also use this page to:

  • Review details of a task, using the option.
  • Stop a task, using the option.
    Note: This option is enabled only when you select at least one task to stop.

    You can stop only the Rule analysis, What-if analysis, GDPR object data collection, and GDPR object anonymization tasks.

  • Delete a task.
    Note: This option is enabled only when you select at least one task to delete.

    You can delete tasks with status Completed, Stopped, or Failed. However, the tasks with the status In progress cannot be deleted.

  • Refresh the Tasks page, using the option.