Working with Preferences

Use the Preferences page to customize the Infor GRC application. You must set these preferences when you log-on to the application for the first time.

To set the preferences:

  1. Select Settings > Preferences on the navigation bar.
  2. Specify the information on these tabs:
  3. Click Save.

    You must configure the Localization Settings when you log-on to the application for the first time. To configure the settings, click on the top right corner of the screen. Click the Localization Settings.

    Note: You can access the Infor GRC application by using one of these supported browsers:
    • Windows
      • Chrome - Version 86.0.4240.198
      • Microsoft Edge - Version 86.0.622.69
    • Mac OS
      • Safari - 14.0.1
      • Chrome - 87.0.4280.66
      • Microsoft Edge - 86.0.622.69