Authorizations Insight

These options are displayed to mitigate the violations generated by the Authorizations Insight:

Violating Objects
The objects that have generated violations.
Mitigation Type
The options to mitigate the violation.
  • Exclude User: Exclude the object that has generated violations.
  • Confirm corrective changes manually: Implement the changes manually in the ERP application.
    Note: When you select this option, the status of the violation, on the Violations page, is set to 'Pending Close'.
  • Confirm corrective changes via Provision: Revoke roles that have generated violations.

    When you select this option, provide comments and click Mitigate, the Provision page displays the roles assigned to the user, participating in the analysis. Select roles to be revoked. A Role Assignment Management provision with the appropriate parameters, is created.

    Note: This option is not available in these scenarios:
    • Multiple user violations are selected for mitigation
    • Role violations are selected for mitigation
Apply Compensating Control
Select this check box to associate compensating controls with the object. To associate compensating controls, you can:
  • Add a new compensating control using the option. See, Working with Compensating Controls.
    Note: The option to create a new compensating control is displayed, only if the logged-on user is assigned a role that has permissions to create new compensating controls. These permissions are assigned when creating a role.
  • Assign an existing compensation control, using the option.
Expiry Date

This field is displayed only for the violations generated for Authorizations Insight for Infor. The date up to which the object is excluded.

Note: This field is displayed only if the Exclude User option is selected in the Mitigate Type field.
The additional information related to the mitigation of the violation.
Note: All the information related to the mitigation is displayed in the History section.