Creating an event notification

Use the Preferences page to create a new notification for an event in the Infor GRC application.

To create a new event notification:

  1. Select the Settings > Preferences page on the navigation bar and click the Notifications tab.
  2. Click to create a new event notification. The Add Notifications for User screen is displayed.
    Note: Alternately, you can also click corresponding to an existing notification to modify.
  3. Specify this information:
    The subject for the email notification
    The business objects of the Infor GRC application for which the notification is created. Possible values:
    • Rule
    • Baseline
    • Watchlist Data Upload
    • Manage Object
    • Condition Management
    • Certification Process
    • Rule book
    • Approval process
    • Report
    • Compensating control
    • Snapshot Schedule
    • Analysis
      Note: Notifications for analyses includes links. You can use the link to navigate to the Violations page for reviewing the violations.
    Note: To create notifications, you must have permissions on the business objects.
  4. Select the instances for which an email notification must be sent. The instances displayed vary based on the business objects selected:
    Type Instance to be selected
    Rule Rules
    Baseline Baseline
    Watchlist Data Upload Data Upload
    Manage Object Data Sources associated with the object
    Condition Management Condition
    Certification Process Certification Process
    Rule book Rule books
    Approval process Approval process
    Report Reports
    Compensating control Compensating control
    Snapshot Schedule Snapshot Schedule
    Analysis Analysis
  5. Select the events for which the notifications must be sent. The events displayed vary based on the instances selected.
    Note: To create notifications, you must have permissions on the events.
  6. Click Save.
    Note: A notification is deleted if all the specified instances are deleted. However, if one of the instance is deleted, the notification is updated automatically.