April 2021 Production Update

This chapter describes the details of the Infor GRC version 2021.04

Product improvements

This section provides information about the enhancements to this release:

  • Process Insights now support the Baseline rule creation and analysis. You can create Baseline rules using one or all baseline attributes of objects (except the sequence number attribute).
  • The GRC application is enhanced to import baseline rules from the IRC application.
  • The Process Insights are enhanced to support the Baseline functionality for all the languages that are supported by the GRC application.
  • The GRC application now receives the security roles of users through BODs from the Infor GRC database instead of receiving roles through Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) or Web Security Federation (WSFED) claim(s).
  • A GRC user assigned to the Administrator role can now delete an Application Instance that has been created with incorrect details or no longer used in any Data Source.
  • A new ‘HCM_EMPLOYEEABSENCE_TimeOffRequest_INF’ object is now added to the GRC application.
  • The GRC application is enhanced to support Estonian, Finnish, Greek, and Turkish.