Talent Acquisition March 2023

Hiring workflow default with auto-create requisition

Administrators now have the option to automate the requisition creation upon approval of the terminate, promote, or transfer action. If a hiring workflow is specified for the position, it is utilized upon the automatic creation of the requisition. Otherwise, it will get the default value of hiring workflow. In HROrganization setup, there is a new Configure button beside Enable Auto Create Requisition Upon Vacated Position. This indicates if auto-create job requisition will be upon approval or effective date.


Salary range displays by pay rate type

Recruiters can now indicate the pay rate for a job posting which is visible to candidates. Pay rate specified on the job requisition is used as the initial value when creating a job posting.


Sort interview list

You can now sort interview lists and card views by date in descending order instead of ascending order. This information displays regardless of whether they were created with Advanced Interview Scheduling turned on or off.


Exclude candidate information based on security

When viewing the candidate's job application profile, the Self Identification in the Application Summary PDF, Additional Tasks Summary PDF and Self Identification panel will still be visible to the candidate but not to the hiring manager before and after an offer is accepted. For the Recruiter and Recruiter Administrators, the Self Identification within the PDF and Self Identification panel will be visible only to them after the candidate accepts the offer. The enhancement also reflects additional tasks that include self-identification where the visibility of the Self Identification in the PDF should be based on the role accessing it and whether or not the offer is accepted.


Hide tracking panels

The Approval Requested Tracking and Approval Update Tracking panels in the Job Requisition Approvals tab are now hidden when there is no data to display in the lists.


Question results page improvement

The new Questions Results page contains both Job Questions and Profile Questions Results in simple list format. Access the new Questions Results page from Questions Score link, application's Hiring Process, Workflows steps, and Candidate Pool.
