Learning and Development March 2023
Enroll in suggested activities
Employees can enroll in suggested activities even if learning administrators haven't made those activities available.
Assigned Activities sorting
The Assigned Activities list is now sorted by due date in ascending order. If the due date is not specified, then the list sorts by display name.
Require employees to complete activities in sequence
Now administrators can associate a learning activity component to a checklist and use the Completion Order field to specify the order in which activities can be enrolled in by employees.
UI improvements
Improvements were made to the user interface and user experience for the Finalize Activity Completion page:
- update required fields when rejecting a suggested activity
- warning message when specifying an Activity ID with an earlier effective date
- remove the Copy Activity action in different areas in the application
Search available on reports by default
Search fields are now displayed by default in reporting components lists in the Activities section of reports.