Case notes and attachments

You can add notes and attachments to a case to augment the information in the case form. You can view notes and attachments that have been added to a case. Other agents who service the case can view the notes and attachments. If the case is shown to the employee, then you can specify the notes and attachments that can be shown to the employee.

Some service center roles can edit case notes:
  • If the manager role has been granted permission to edit notes, then managers can edit any note except notes that were created by employees.
  • Agents can edit only notes that they have created.

Only manager and administrator roles can delete an existing note. Service center users can delete attachments that were added by other service center users only if permission has been granted for their roles.

If a case note had been edited, then you can click the History button to open a separate Note History report. This report shows all changes that have been made to that specific note.