Analytics and reports
You can use analytics and reports to monitor the performance of agents, groups and of the service center. All agents, service managers, and service administrators belong to one or more service groups. Reports show data from the populations that are served by the service groups to which you belong.
- All reports show data that is related to non-archived cases except where noted. When a case is archived, its data no longer appears in reports.
- Most reports can be filtered by population and time frame. Some reports include additional filters.
- Analytic cubes can be manually refreshed and scheduled to automatically refresh them by frequency like daily or every few hours.
- If a case is secured, then details are hidden from everyone except members of the service group that is currently assigned to the case.
- You can export reports to Microsoft Excel.
Report | Description |
Reminders | Shows cases that include reminders. The default filter is set to show cases that are open. |
Closed Cases | This report shows active cases with closed status in the population that are served by the logged-in service user. |
Active Cases | Shows open cases. |
Quick Cases | Shows quick cases. |
Archived Cases | Shows archived cases. Cases can be manually unarchived from this report. |
Archived Survey Results | Shows survey results that have been archived. |
Survey Results | Shows cases with completed surveys. You can view follow-up notes, comments and a read-only view of the survey. You can add a follow-up note. |
Cases By Contact | Shows cases that have a Contact name. |
Regarding Cases | Shows cases that have a Regarding name. If group filtering is applied, the report shows only cases for which the Regarding employee on the case belongs to the specified user group. |
Transferred Cases | Shows cases that are transfers according to the definitions specific to your organization's configuration. These include only cases for which there is a Transfer Reason. The transfer-related fields show historic data from the time of transfer. All other data fields in this report reflect the current data. |
Parent Cases | This report shows active parent cases for case relationships in the populations that are served by the logged-in service user. Use this report to view and process all pending, open parent cases simultaneously. |
Case Notes | This report shows cases that have at least one case note. The note-related fields show the data at the time the note was added or updated. All other data fields in this report reflect the current data. |
Service Group Members | This report shows the members of each service group and administrator group, including system roles. You can unassign users from service groups. |
Topics | The Topics report shows active Topics that are configured for all populations. Active and inactive populations are included. An organization can preconfigure data for a new population and use this report to cross-check configurations before activating the population. This report includes the default service group for auto-routing. It does not include category or subcategory data. |
Escalated Cases | This report shows cases that have been escalated, including information such as the issue and the escalation reason. |