Adding and editing service groups

Configuration administrators can perform these functions:
  • configure the properties of service groups
  • add service center users to service groups
  • assign and unassign service center employees
  • view populations that assigned to service groups
  • view service groups' service level agreements
  1. Select Service Center > Service Groups.
  2. To add a service group, click Create. To edit a service group, double-click the service group.
  3. On the Properties tab, specify this information:
    Service Group
    Specify the name of the service group.
    Specify a description of the service group. This is used only for reference.
    Select this setting to make the service group available in the application.
    Specify the tier to which the service group is assigned. Service groups with the lowest tier number work cases first. When service group members cannot resolve a case, they can forward it to service group members at a higher tier.
    Case Type
    Specify the type of case the users who are members of the service group serve. The service group can serve cases that are related to human resources, technology, or both.
    Before Submission
    If this setting is enabled, then changes to the assignment of the case before submission are not logged as a transfer event. The transfer alert is shown, and the transferring agent is required to provide a reason for transfer.
    After Submission
    If this setting is enabled, then changes to the assignment of the case before submission are not logged as a transfer event. The transfer alert is not shown, and the transferring agent is not required to submit a reason for transfer.
    Begin Day
    Change this setting only if you want to override the service level agreement settings that apply to the organization. Specify the day of the week that the business week begins.

    See Configuring service level agreement settings for the organization.

    End Day
    Change this setting only if you want to override the service level agreement settings that apply to the organization. Specify the day of the week that the business week ends.

    See Configuring service level agreement settings for the organization.

    Begin Time GMT
    Change this setting only if you want to override the service level agreement settings that apply to the organization. Specify the time of day that the work day begins.

    See Configuring service level agreement settings for the organization.

    End Time GMT
    Change this setting only if you want to override the service level agreement settings that apply to the organization. Specify the time of day that the work day ends.

    See Configuring service level agreement settings for the organization.

    Reset On Reopen
    Change this setting only if you want to override the service level agreement settings that apply to the organization. Select this setting to reset the SLA settings if the case is closed and reopened. When this setting is selected, the case SLA is recalculated based on the date and time that the case was reopened. When this setting is not selected, the case SLA is not reset, and the SLA date that was active at the time the case was closed applies.

    See Configuring service level agreement settings for the organization.

  4. Configuration administrators can add service center employees to the service group and activate and deactivate them.
  5. Click Save.