Configuring a survey

  1. Click Surveys.
  2. To add a survey, click the Add button. To edit a survey, double-click the survey that you want to edit.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify the name of the survey.
    Specify a description of the survey.
    Select this setting to make the survey available in the system.
  4. In the Survey Questions tab, specify this information:
    Survey Questions
    Specify each survey question. Users are required to respond to each survey question.
  5. In the Response Options tab, specify this information:
    5 Points, 4 Points, etcetera
    Specify the definitions and point value for each of the response options.
  6. In the Other tab, specify this information:
    Select the setting for each role for which the survey is available through self-service modules.
    Offer Every X Days
    Specify the frequency with which the survey is offered. 0 days means that the survey is always offered when a case is closed.
    Comment Box
    You can include a field in which employees can type comments. Specify comment box text that you want to be displayed on the survey form above the box. If no text is specified, then the comments box is not displayed on the survey.
    Consent Agreement
    You can include a check box that employees use to indicate that they consent to or decline consent to the agreement that you specify. Specify consent agreement text that you want to be displayed on the survey form above the box. This text is read-only.
  7. Click Save.