Real-Time Value home page widgets overview
Real-Time Value home pages and widgets are a special type of home page and widget that can be enabled in organizations that run Infor Ming.le and that meet additional criteria. These widgets link directly to relevant pages in Infor HR Talent. So users have one-click access to their most important tasks.
Use this guide to determine the home page that best suits your needs and to get instruction about adding and configuring the home page that you choose.
Real-Time Value Home Pages
Home pages are assigned by role. Each home page is configured with widgets that are relevant to the tasks that are associated with the role. The home page provides a user or team with a one-page overall view for analysis and a means of accessing critical pages within Infor HR Talent modules with one click. Administrators can add widgets to and remove widgets from home pages to address the evolving needs of roles.
A user's home page is a unique instance. After initially viewing the home page, a user can remove widgets from the instance of the home page or add widgets from the widget catalog that are enabled for the users' role
Real-Time Value Widgets
Real-Time Value widgets offer a variety of important high-level information that users can read at a glance. More important, users can gain immediate access to relevant pages within Infor HR Talent. This feature eliminates the requirement that users access Infor HR Talent modules through navigation menus. For example, a home page for a manager includes the Expiring Credentials widget. This widget shows the manager's direct reports who have one or more certifications that have expired. The information that is shown includes the name of the report, the certification that has expired, and the date of expiration. The manager can click a record and access that record on the Credentials page of Talent Acquisition. Alternatively, the manager can click to access the Credentials page, which shows all reports that have expired credentials.
Additional widgets are available in the widget catalog. Configuration administrators can add widgets to or remove widgets from home pages.
Adding Home Pages
Configuration administrators can add one home page per role to an organization. Before home pages can be added, a configuration parameter must be configured. This is a one-time operation.
Required products
To use home page widgets, these updates are required:
- Infor ION Connect release 11.1.x or later. The server with ION API must connect to the servers where Infor HR Talent and Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le are installed.
- Infor Global HR 2021.12.00 or later.
- Homepages 2021.11 or later.
- HCM Analytics 2021.10 or later.