Creating a Form I-9 approver
A Form I-9 approver is an employee who is authorized to complete and approve Form I-9s. Form I-9 approvers are created, activated and inactivated in Tracker I-9 by web services. The web services are triggered when administrators manage Form I-9 approver settings in Transition Management. Form I-9 approver status is maintained in Tracker I-9 Complete.
With default settings, administrators who are signed in to Tracker I-9 Complete as an administrator can view default settings in the Admin Control panel. If web services are used to create a Form I-9 approver, then Tracker I-9 Complete security and time zone default settings are not required. The client can decide that the values are manually selected for each Form I-9 approver instead of having the default values applied. The client must use the configuration console to specify the required values.
HR Admin and HR Generalist security roles have full access to data and can create Form I-9 approvers. Direct supervisors and indirect supervisors can view the data.