Defining job boards

Job boards are areas on career sites where jobs are posted.

Note: Talemetry job boards are no longer supported within Talent Acquisition. The Talemetry option is available but not valid.
  1. Sign in as Administrator and select Talent Acquisition > Code Setup > Job Boards.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Effective Date

    Specify the date on which the job board becomes effective.

    Job Board

    Specify the job board name. For example, INTERNALJOBS. Do not use blank spaces in the name as it might cause issues when creating the URL.


    Specify the job board description. For example, Internal Career Site. If you leave this field blank, the job board name is used.

    Board Type

    Select the board type: Internal, External, or Third Party.

    If you select an external job board type, the Limit Application field is displayed next to the Board Type field. To limit the total number of job applications that a candidate can submit on the external job board, specify the number in the Limit Application field. Recruiters can override this number for specific candidates. See Limiting job applications from a candidate.

    Auto Create Job Posting URL

    This field is for external job boards only. Select this check box for the job board to store a short URL for a job posting when a requisition is posted to the job board.

    Recruiters can use the short URL in an email to send a link to the posting to a prospective candidate without creating a candidate. The candidate still has to register and sign in to Career Space to apply.

    If you do not check this check box, you can manually generate a short URL for a specific job posting on the requisition's Postings tab. Select a posting and select Actions > Generate Job Posting URL.

    You can configure HR Talent to use the HR Talent shortenURL service. See Configuring the shortenURL service.


    The job board is active by default. Clear this check box to make the job board inactive. Inactive job boards are not shown on some lists.

    Select a logo from the list.

    See the HR Talent Transition Management User Guide for additional information on banners and logos.

    Show Logo On Job Postings
    Select the check box to enable displaying a logo when a candidate views a job in Candidate Experience. This is available only on internal and external job boards.
    Select a default logo from the list then click Submit. The logo you select is the default logo on job postings created after you configure the job board.
    Default Source

    This is the source used on the job application if the candidate does not provide a source. A default source is required on internal job boards.

    Default Specific Source

    This is the specific source used on the job application if the candidate does not provide a specific source.

    Cost Per Posting

    Third-party job boards usually have a cost associated with them. Specify the cost per posting in this field.

    Expense Category

    If you specified a cost, you must select the expense category to which the cost is assigned. To define a new expense category, click F6 in the field. On Requisition Cost Reason, specify an effective date, a requisition cost reason and description, and save.

    Recent Job Days

    This field is for internal and external job boards only. Specify the number of days included in the Recent Jobs posting. For example, if you specify 14, the Recent Jobs panel on the job board includes all requisitions posted within the last 14 days.

    List View
    Select to view job postings by list on the Job Search page.
    Card View
    Select to view job postings by card on the Job Search page.
    Job Notification Email Template

    This field is for external job boards and New Candidate Space only. Select the email template that is used to notify a candidate that a job has been posted that meets the criteria included in a candidate-defined job notification request. If a configurable user interface file is attached to the job board, it must be for a new Candidate Space user interface.

    Max Notifications

    You can limit the number of notification requests that candidates can create.

    Days Notifications Will Expire After

    You can specify the number of days that a candidate-defined notification can remain valid.

    Select a default banner to show on the Saved Jobs and Alerts page.
    Self Identification Text

    This field is for internal and external job boards only. Specify any text, such as required legal verbiage, that is shown on job applications above the self identification questions.

    Show Location If No Openings

    If you select this check box, all locations are displayed on the job board, whether openings exist for the location. If you do not select this check box, only the locations for which there are openings are displayed. This field applies only when Classic Candidate Space is implemented (indicated when Custom Candidate UI field is not checked when this job board is defined). It does not apply to the new Candidate Space.

    Show Category If No Openings

    If you select this check box, all categories are displayed on the job board, whether openings exist for the category. If you do not select this check box, only the categories for which there are openings are displayed. This field applies only when Classic Candidate Space is implemented (indicated when Custom Candidate UI field is not checked when this job board is defined). It does not apply to the new Candidate Space.

    Show Relationship to Organization If No Openings

    If you select this check box, all relationships to the organization, such as Employee or Contractor, are displayed on the job board, whether openings exist for the relationship to organization. If you do not select this check box, only the relationships to organization for which there are openings are displayed. This field applies only when Classic Candidate Space is implemented (indicated when Custom Candidate UI field is not checked when this job board is defined). It does not apply to the new Candidate Space.

    Configurable UI File

    This field is for external job boards only. To use a customized home page for this job board, attach the home page zip file. You can have a different file for each external job board. If you do not attach a file, then the default home page is used.

    HR Talent delivers two user interfaces for its Candidate Space. The default user interface is the classic Candidate Space, which is the original user interface. The new Candidate Space user interface provides a more updated look and more customization and translation capabilities. Talent Acquisition delivers configurable UI files, which are zipped files, for both user interfaces. You can create as many versions of these files as is required. You can test your configurations by attaching the configuration file to an external job board and then accessing the job board as a candidate. For information on customizing the configurable UI files, see the HR Talent Configuration Guide.

    Custom Candidate UI

    If you leave this check box unselected, candidates who receive an email with a link to Candidate Space see the classic user interface. If you select this check box, candidates who receive an email with a link to Candidate Space see the new user interface.

  4. If using third party job boards, on the Application Process tab, specify information on the various ways that a candidate can apply. By default, the third party posting includes a link to your career site. You can also specify a mailing address, an email address, and a telephone number.
  5. Click Save.