Viewing and updating candidate information

Recruiters can view and update candidate profiles.

  1. Sign in as Recruiter and select Candidate Pool.
  2. Search the candidate record.
  3. Right-click the candidate record.
  4. Click Open.
  5. On the At A Glance tab, specify this information:
    Point Of Origin
    Use this field to indicate the location from which a candidate who will travel would start. This field is different from the Location field. It is defined by the Administrator in Setup > Resource Components > Personal Information > Point Of Origin.
  6. In the Profile Question Results section, you can indicate whether you have reviewed the answers to the profile questions that you can read on the Profile Questions tab. If you indicate that you have reviewed the questions, you must specify the date that you reviewed them. Profile questions are required of all external candidates. External candidates can provide answers on the My Questions tab of the candidate profile or the job application. Answers are synchronized between the candidate profile and the job application if profile synchronization is enabled on the hiring workflow. See Configuring workflow details.
    Profile Question Results Reviewed
    This field becomes unchecked if the candidate changes any answers on a job application or on the My Questions tab (external candidates only) after you have reviewed them.
  7. In the Other Information section, specify this information:
    Application Limit

    This field is available only if the job board on which the candidate is registered is defined with an Application Limit value that limits the number of job applications candidate can submit. As a recruiter you can override this number for a specific candidate.

    This number applies only to the number of applications a candidate can personally submit from the job board. Recruiters can apply for jobs on behalf of candidates or request candidates to submit applications even if candidates have reached their limits.

    Limit Expiration

    To expire the application limit value that you specified, select the expiration date in this field. If you select an expiration date, the application limit for this candidate will return to the job board application limit on the expiration date.

    Do Not Hire

    Select this check box to not hire the candidate. If you select this candidate, you are required to select a reason in the Reason field.

    If you select this check box, a red alarm is displayed next to the candidate on the Candidate Search list and other lists for any process in the Requisitions process board. Pause over the alert to display the reason code.


    If you select the Do Not Hire check box, you must select a reason. Do not hire reasons are defined by the Administrator in Code Setup > Do Not Hire Reasons.

  8. Click the Tags tab to view and update the appropriate tags for the candidate.
    To search candidates by tag name, you can use the Keyword field of the Candidate tab.

    See Searching candidates in the candidate pool.

  9. Click the Talent Profile tab to view candidate's qualifications.

    Depending on qualification rules, you can view and update these qualifications that are synched with the job application:

    • Work Assignments: Open a work assignment of internal candidates to see the work assignment details. Click View History to view the history of the work assignment.

    • Employment History: Click Create to add a new employment record. Open an employment record to view the details. Click Edit Employment Details to modify or validate the information.

    • Education History: Click Create to add a new education record. Open an education record to view the details. Click Edit Education Details to modify or validate the information.

    • Experience: Click Create to add a type of experience. Open an experience record to view the details and modify or validate the information.
    • Competencies And Skills: Click Create to add a new competency or skill. Open a competency or skill to view the details and update or validate the information.

    • Credentials: Click Create to add a new credential. Open a credential record to view the details. Click Edit Credential to update or validate the information.

    • Achievement: Click Create to add a new achievement. Open an achievement to view the details and update the information.

  10. Select the Fit Analysis tab to model a candidate's percent fit for a position. Click the Model Percent Fit button, select the position for which you want to calculate a percent fit, select or clear the Essential Only check box. Modeling a percent fit for a candidate
  11. Click the Profile Questions tab to view candidate answers to profile questions.
  12. Click the References tab to view or add references. Click Create from the Actions menu to add a new reference. Open a reference record to view or modify the details or to specify a reference status.
  13. Click the Contact Info tab to view the candidate's contact information.
  14. Click the Correspondence tab to view the emails, attachments, and notes associated with the candidate.

    You can perform these actions on the Correspondence tab:

    • Click Create Email on the Correspondence pane to send an email. Select an email template and proceed as described in Sending emails that use a template.

    • Click Track Correspondence in the Correspondence pane to specify a record of correspondence related to the candidate outside the system.

    • Click Create from the All Actions menu in the Attachments pane to add an attachment.

    • Click Create from the All Actions menu in the Notes pane to add a note.

  15. Click the Personal Information tab and specify this information:. The Identification Number panel displays their identification number information if your organization is configured to use identification numbers. The Travel Documents panel displays the candidate's travel document information if your organization is configured to use travel documents. Click Create to add a travel document. Some fields are country-specific and may not be meaningful to you.
  16. If you made changes to the candidate profile, click Save.