Offer review

Offer review instructions and signatures are enabled by an administrator using organization configuration.

The Offer Review page is accessed in these ways:
Note: The offer review link is available in the classic candidate space and the hand-coded file.
  • After logging on to the external candidate space, external candidates click the My Applications tab and the Review offer link. External candidates can also click the offer review link in an email notification that is sent to them.
  • After logging on to the internal candidate space, internal candidates click the My Opportunities menu, the My Applications tab, and the Review offer link. Internal candidates can also click the offer review link in a system notification.

This information is displayed on the Offer Review page:

  • An Offer Review section with instructional text that the candidate can read when accepting or declining the offer. This instructional text is set up by the administrator.
  • An Offer Letter section with a link to open the offer letter PDF document for candidates to review.
  • A Response section with options for candidates to accept or decline the offer.
  • A Signature section where candidates can electronically sign for the offer. The candidate types their full name into the Your Name field. Administrators can include or omit the electronic signature. If included, the signature can be required or not required. See Adding a signature to the candidate offer form.
  • After the signature is specified, the Date Signed field is set to the date when the candidate accepts or declines the offer.
    Note: This signature does not add a signature to the offer letter PDF.
Note: If a recruiter extends a new offer to a candidate, the response and signature options are editable for the candidate if the candidate is in an Offer Extended status. The fields are read-only if the candidate is in any other status.