Adding job boards to a job posting rule
Define the job boards before you define job posting rules.
To add a job board to a job posting rule:
To ensure the actor context property for the job board is blank:
- Navigate to Administration Console > Security > Context Property.
- Find the Context Property for the Job Board.
- Select the Actor.
- Make note of the context property defined for the job board. You use this value later in this procedure.
- Remove the value defined for the Job Board.
- Click Save.
- Navigate to Administrator > Talent Acquisition > Code Setup > Job Posting Rules.
- Select or open the job posting rule you want to add a job board to.
- On the Job Boards panel, click New.
On the Job Posting Rule Detail page, specify this information:
- Effective Date
Specify the effective date when the job is added.
- Job Board
Select the job board to associate with the job posting rule.
- Delay Before Posting
If applicable, indicate how many days, months, weeks, or years to wait before the requisition gets posted on this job board. If these fields are blank, the requisition is posted immediately.
- Weekday, Weekday Priority
You can also specify a specific day of the week for the posting.
If you specify no delay, the job is posted on the first occurrence of the weekday.
If you specify a delay and a day of the week and the option Find Weekday First, the system will first find the first occurrence of the weekday then apply the delay to it.
For example, you post on 16 November 2011 to a job board with a delay of one month and the options Friday and Find Weekday First. The first occurrence of a Friday is 18 November 2011. With the delay of 1 month, the job is posted on 18 December 2011.
If you select Find Weekday Last, the application will first apply any time indicated in the Delay Before Posting fields and then post on the first occurrence of the weekday.
For example, you post on 16 November 2011 to a job board with a delay of 1 month and the options Friday and Find Weekday Last. The delay of 1 month produces a date of 16 November 2011, which is a Friday, so the posting date is 16 November 2011.
- Length of Posting
If applicable, indicate the number of days, months, weeks, or years that you want the posting to requisition to remain posted on the job board.
- Click Save.
- Repeat steps 3 through 6 for each job board you want to add to the job posting rule.
To add back the actor context property for the job board:
- Navigate to Administration Console > Security > Context Property.
- Find the Context Property for the Job Board.
- Select the Actor.
- Add the value for the job board that you removed in step 1.
- Click Save.