Defining job notification email templates

Job notification email templates are used to send job alert emails to applicants, based on the applicant's job criteria entered in Candidate Space.

To define an email template for job notifications

  1. Select Administrator > Talent Acquisition > Template Setup > Job Notification Email Templates.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Effective Date

    Required. Specify the date that the email template is available..

    Job Notification Email Template

    Required. Specify the template name. Make it meaningful to help recruiters or hiring managers in their selection of email template.


    Specify a description for the job notification email template.


    Select this option to enable this job notification email template. Clear this check box to make the template inactive. Inactive templates are not shown on some lists.

    CC, BCC

    Specify the variable or variables representing the person or persons to whom the email will be copied. To specify a variable, type crtl-right-click within the field, click Variables to show the variables that you can select. The variable that you select is shown within curly braces. For example, {HiringManager}. Separate multiple variables with commas.


    Specify the variable representing the email address of the person sending the email. To specify a variable, type crtl-right-click within the field, click Variables to show the variables that you can select. The variable that you select is shown within curly braces. For example, {HiringManager}. Separate multiple variables with commas.. For example, {Recruiter}.


    Specify the subject of the email. Use variables for any text that you want substituted.


    To specify a variable, type crtl-right-click within the field, click Variables to show the variables that you can select. The variable that you select is shown within curly braces.

    For example:

    Thank you for your interest in 

    Specify the text of the email. Use variable text for any text that you want substituted. To select variable text, click the {A} icon on the Body toolbar to display the variables that you can select. The variable that you select is shown within curly braces. For example:

    Thank you for your recent expression of 
    interest in the {PositionTitle} 
    position in our organization.

    Specify the text of the footer for the email.

    Image URL

    To include an image in the email, such as a company logo, specify the internet address of the image file.

    Theme color

    Specify a color scheme template.

  4. Click Save.
  5. Continue with instructions to assign the job notification email template to a job board.