Creating assessments for assessment packages
You must create an assessment package before you can create an assessment.
Assessments are not required.
- Select Administrator > Set Up > Screening.
- Click the Assessment Packages tab.
- Select the assessment package for which to define an assessment, or open the assessment package and click the Assessments tab.
- On the Assessments pane, click Create.
Specify this information:
- Effective Date
Required. Specify the effective date for the assessment.
- Package
(Read only) The selected package defaults.
- Assessment
Required. Specify the assessment name.
- Description
Specify a description for the assessment. If left blank, the assessment name defaults.
- Active
The assessment is active by default. Clear the check box to make the assessment inactive.
- Score Type
Select the score type.
- Passing Score
If you specify Numeric Score for Score Type, specify the passing score.
- Assessment Validity Period
If this assessment has a renewal date, specify the number of days, weeks, months, or years that the assessment results are valid. (Organizations may want employees to be tested on a regular basis).
- Session Expiration
If applicable, specify the number of days, weeks, months, or years that a candidate or resource has to complete the assessment
- Click Save.