Configuring Talent Acquisition organization parameters

Use this procedure to configure your Talent Acquisition organization parameters.

Talent Acquisition percent fit settings are configured on Administrator > Set Up > Structure > Organizations.

  1. Sign in as Administrator and select Talent Acquisition > Primary Set Up > Organization Configuration.
  2. Select an organization to configure.
  3. Double-click to open the organization.
  4. Select the effective date.
  5. On the Features tab, specify this information:

    In the Application section, specify this information:

    Enable Configurable Job Application
    Select this check box to enable the dashboard panels configuration on a candidate job application from the Requisition Dashboard.
    Attachment Type Used for Application Summary Form PDF
    Select one of these attachment types from the list:
    • Cover Letter
    • Position Description
    • Other Document
    • Position Justification
    • Resume / CV
    Hide Setup Replaced By Configurable Job Application
    Select this check box to hide old setup and unused fields within the configurable job application feature.
    Show In Progress Applications To Recruiters
    Select this check box to view applications that are still in progress.
    Allow Update of Application Process on Requisition
    Select this check box to allow the application process to change on the requisition.
    In the Usability Improvements section, specify this information:
    Enable Filtered Requisition View For Manager
    Select this check box to enable an enhanced requisition dashboard view for hiring managers only.

    See The requisitions dashboard filtered view.

    Enable Dashboard Panels For Job Application
    Select this option to enable the dashboard panels configuration on the requisition dashboard. Additional configuration is required. See Candidate profile dashboard panels.
    Enable Dashboard Panels For Candidate Profile
    Select this check box to enable the dashboard panels configuration on candidate profiles from the candidate pool.
    Enable Dashboard Panels For Job Requisition
    Select this check box to enable an enhanced requisitions details layout that is accessed when you open a requisition.

    See Requisition dashboard panels.

    In the Offer Letter Templates With Paragraphs section, specify this information:
    Enable Offer Letter Templates With Paragraphs
    Select to this check box enable templates and offer paragraphs to be used in offer letters. Features that are related to offer letters are dependent on enabling this feature.
    Allow Editing Of Offer Letter
    Select this check box to give recruiters and recruiter administrators permission to add text to offer letters. If the feature is not enabled, then .RTF files are used to build offer letters. If editing is enabled, then recruiters can edit offer letters while previewing the letters. See Creating offer letter templates
    Allow Addition Of Ad Hoc Paragraphs
    Select this check box to give recruiters and recruiter administrators permission to add one or more offer letter paragraphs from the library to offer letters. See Recruiter offer letter editing permissions.

    In the Express Interest section, specify this information:

    Enable Mobile
    Select this check box to enable candidates to access the Express Interest application from a mobile device.
    Enable Desktop
    Select this check box to enable candidates to access the Express Interest application from their computer desktop.
    In the Recruiting Locations section, specify this information:
    Enable Nationwide And Additional Locations on Requisition
    Select this check box to allow more than one location on the requisition.

    In the Recruiting Partner API section, specify this information:

    Enable Simplified Talent Agreements For Export
    Select this check box to enable a text version of the talent agreements. This is for Talemetry partners.
    Bypass Application Requirements During API Apply
    Select this check box to prevent errors from being generated for recruitment vendors when data on job applications added through web services is incomplete. This could include incomplete talent profile data, such as question responses and self-identification. This feature can be enabled if both Configurable Hiring Workflow and Configurable Job Application are used. If a hiring workflow is used for the requisition, then this data can be collected during the hiring process using Application Tasks that are available in the Configurable Job Application.

    In the 3rd Party Integrations section, specify this information:

    Enable LinkedIn Basic Jobs
    Select this check box to enable an integration of job boards with LinkedIn Basic Jobs. External candidates can then view job openings that are posted to LinkedIn. Candidates are directed to the candidate experience to complete applications.
    LinkedIn Company ID
    Specify the company identification number.

    See LinkedIn Basic Jobs setup.

    In the Enable Candidate Search With Requisition section, specify this information:

    Enable Candidate Search With Requisition
    Select this check box to enable the candidate search with requisition.

    In the Interview Scheduling section, specify this information:

    Enable Advanced Interview Scheduling
    Select this check box to enable recruiters and hiring managers to create and deploy standardized interview tools and associated communications.

    In the Candidate Experience section, specify this information:

    Enable Jobs Web Application
    Select this check box to make all related configurations available.
    Enable Candidate Experience Improvements
    Select this check box to enable candidate experience improvements. This enables these candidate experience enhancements:
    • Ability to upload banner images and selecting a color theme
    • New home page layout for candidates who are logged in
    • List view or card view for job search when browsing on desktop and tablet
    • Card view for job search on mobile
    Enable Consistent UI For Employee Opportunities
    Select this check box to use the redesigned screens for Employee Self Service Opportunities including job search, applications and saved jobs.
    Show Employee Login
    Select this check box to prompt the user to log in as an employee, if applicable, when registering the Candidate Experience.
    Show Custom Status For Unavailable Requisitions
    Select this check box to indicate whether a tag for unavailable job requisitions will be displayed in the saved jobs and incomplete application.
    Enable Withdraw For In Progress And Attached Applications
    Select this check box to allow candidates to withdraw their application before completion.
    Enable Delayed Email Notification
    Select this check box to allow for a delay when sending e-mails. Administrators can specify a delay time in hours using these functions:
    • Email template
    • Workflow step automation

    Recruiters and hiring managers can specify a delay time in hours using these functions:

    • Create email action from correspondence list
    • Send e-mail action from job application and candidate pool
    • Send mass email from candidate pool and job application
    • Attach candidate to a requisition
    • Send email from job list action
    • Send email from job requisition correspondence
    • Import candidate correspondence

    In the Requisitions section, specify this information:

    Enable Additional Positions On Requisition
    Select this check box to allow recruiters to identify more than one position on a requisition.
    Enable Position and Defaulting Updates
    Select this check box to enable automatic field value updates when a position is changed on requisitions, define offer, or hire-type actions. When this feature is not enabled, the values that are associated with the original position are retained, even though the position is changed.

    See Enabling position default updates.

    Enable Auto Create Requisition Upon Vacated Position
    Select this check box to enable the automatic creation of job requisitions when a position is vacated. When the features is enabled, you must specify the employee ID of the recruiter in the Recruiter for Auto Create Requisition field.

    See Enabling auto create requisition upon vacated position.

    Enable Attach Candidates With No Job Posting
    Select this check box to enable recruiters to attach candidates to requisitions without requiring the recruiters assign job postings to the candidates.
    Hide Audit List For Workflow Step History
    Available when configurable hiring workflow is enabled. Select this option to hide the audit list from the Workflow Step History report.
    Enable Reassign Multiple Requisitions For Admin
    Select this check box to allow the admin to reassign multiple requisitions.
    Enable Reassign Multiple Requisitions For Recruiter
    Select this check box to allow the recruiter to reassign multiple requisitions.
    Set Requisition Status To Open Upon Approval
    Select this check box to set the requisition status to open once approved.
    Enable Requisition Synchronization With Job And Position Updates
    Select this check box to automatically update associated job requisitions and job posting information when a job or position is updated. When this box is checked, a Configure button is shown to the right of this field.
    Click this button to open the Job Requisition Synchronization Rule page.
    In the Questions section, specify this information:
    Enable Scored Candidate Questions
    Select this check box to enable the feature that places a score on each question.
    Allow Non Catalog Requisition Questions
    Select this check box to enable recruiters to use requisition questions that are not in the catalog.
    Enable Requirement Questions
    Select this check box to enable requirement questions that allow for Yes/No, List and Multi-select questions that is identified as a requirement question. Requirement questions are used to determine if the candidate meets or exceeds requirements for the position.

    See Defining recruiting questions.

    To configure requirement questions and specify the minimum and maximum values, click Configure.

    Enable Conditional Questions
    Select this check box to enable conditional questions that are follow-up questions to Yes No questions.

    See Defining recruiting questions.

    In the Multiple Approver Templates section, specify this information:
    Enable Configurable Approver For Requisition
    For information about the Multiple Approver Templates section, see Enabling approver templates.
    Enable Configurable Approver For Offer
    For information about the Multiple Approver Templates section, see Enabling approver templates.
    Enable Configurable Approver For Hire Type Actions
    For information about the Multiple Approver Templates section, see Enabling approver templates.

    In the Password Generation section, specify this information:

    Enable Generate And Send Password For Recruiter
    Select this check box to allow the recruiter to generate and send a new password to the candidate.
    Enable Generate And Send Password For Manager
    Select this check box to allow the manager to generate and send a new password to the candidate
    Enable Random Password Generation For Recruiter Add A Candidate
    Select this check box to allow the recruiter to create a random password for the candidate when they are adding them.

    In the Qualifications section, specify this information:

    Set Qualification Rules
    Select this check box to enable administrators to select whether each job application qualification—Achievements, Competency and Skills, Credential, Education, Employment History, and Experience—is automatically copied to the candidate profile upon completion of the Rehire, Transfer, Promote, and Add Work Assignment actions. Administrators can do this by clicking the Configure link next to this field, which navigates to the Qualifications Rule page. Here they can right-click the qualifications and select the rule for each. When the Set Qualification Rules check box is selected, administrators, managers, and HR generalists can access the Qualifications Review page in To Do > Qualification Tasks to review and update job application qualifications, and copy them to the resource profile.
  6. On the Candidate Configuration tab, specify this information:
    Auto Create Internal Candidates

    Select this check box if your resources apply for jobs internally instead of through your external Career Space. With this configuration, internal resources can apply from their Employee space.


    If you leave this check box unchecked for a period of time and new resources are created, the Create Internal Candidates button is displayed. Click this button to create internal candidates for these new resources. The button is removed when all resources have become internal candidates. Resources must be internal candidates to apply internally.


    You must perform additional security tasks for your internal candidates to view job openings from their Employee space.

    Note: The Auto Create Internal Candidates check box must be turned on if using the Exclude from Auto Creating Internal Candidate check box on Resource Relationships.
    Require Job Application

    Select this check box to make external candidates available to recruiters on Candidate Pool only if they have applied for a job.

    Link to Create Email

    Candidates are required to provide an email address to log in to the career website. Specify the URL to a free email website where a candidate who does not have an email address can acquire one. For example, you could provide the URL for Gmail (

    Candidate Application History Months

    Specify the number of months that candidates can view their job application history on the Career Space.

    Synchronize Profile
    Select this check box to prevent candidates from updating their job application after they reach a specific step in the process. After the check box is selected, select the step at which the profile will be locked.
    Enable Security Question During Candidate Registration
    Select this check box to prompt the candidate to complete security questions for initial candidate registration. Candidates who created accounts without completing security questions are prompted to the complete the security questions when they sign in again.
    Note: The Fix Casual Candidate button is displayed for candidates who did not complete their profiles during the registration process. Clicking this button will complete the candidate’s profile and change the candidate’s record to Active.
  7. On the Candidate Offer Review tab, specify this information:
    Offer Review Instructions Text
    Specify instructions that are sent to the candidate to review their offer and the actions they are to take.
    Offer Review Signature
    Select the appropriate check boxes to indicate whether signatures of internal and external candidates are included and required on the Offer Review page. This is an electronic validation of the candidate signature. It does not add a signature to the offer letter PDF.
  8. On the Application Configuration tab, specify this information. These apply to internal and external candidates.
    Required Education Records

    If applicable, specify the minimum number of education records required on a job application.

    Required Employment History Records

    If applicable, specify the minimum number of employment history records required on a job application.

    Required Achievement Records

    If applicable, specify the minimum number of achievements required on a job application.

    Required Competency And Skill Records

    If applicable, specify the minimum number of competencies and skills required on a job application.

    Required Credential Records

    If applicable, specify the minimum number of credentials required on a job application.

    Required Reference Records

    If applicable, specify the minimum number of references required on a job application.

    Required Attachment Records
    If applicable, specify the minimum number of attachment records required on a job application.
  9. On the Selection Process tab, for each stage in the selection process, specify the text that is displayed in the status field of a candidate's job application. This text is displayed only to candidates. You can use the same text for multiple processes. For example, you could use In Process for several of the selection processes.
  10. On the Email Automation tab, specify this information:
    Email rule

    For each selection process, select one of these options:

    • Select Automatic Email for an automatic email to be sent to a candidate or hiring manager without any human intervention. For example, to send automatic emails to all new candidates to acknowledge the receipt of their application.
    • Select No Email (the ) for the recruiter or hiring manager to control when an email is sent and which email template to use.

    For recruiters to receive an automatic email when a candidate applies for a requisition flagged as a priority requisition, select Automatic Email in the Priority Requisition field, and select the appropriate template.

    Email template

    For each process that you selected for automatic email, select the email template that is used. You can use the same email template for multiple processes. Email templates are defined in Administrator > Talent Acquisition > Template Set Up > Email Templates.

    Attachment template

    If you select Automatic Email for the Hiring Manager Review, you can select a profile template to be used when a recruiter changes a job application to Hiring Manager Review. The template pulls the information from the candidate application profile into a Word document that is attached to the email that is automatically sent to the manager. This can be used if candidates do not use resume parsing and specify a full profile.


    The template must be uploaded to the Document Templates list to be selectable (on Administrator > Talent Acquisition > Template Set Up > Document Templates). The template works only if Automatic Email is selected.

  11. On the Posting Automation tab, select the appropriate check box to remove postings when a requisition is canceled or put on hold.
  12. On the Profile Parsing tab, specify this information so candidates can parse an uploaded resume into a profile.

    In the Profile Parsing Configuration section, specify this information:

    Resume Parsing

    Select the type of resume processing service to use. Candidates can specify a quick or full profile and attach a resume without parsing. If you select Talemetry, your organization must procure an account with Talemetry, which provides the third-party software used to parse resumes, and set up your resume parsing rules. You must also specify the Talemetry account user name and password provided by Talemetry. See Defining a Talemetry user in Talent Acquisition.


    If you selected Talemetry, specify your Talemetry user name.


    If you selected Talemetry, specify your Talemetry password.

    Extract Other Competency And Skill Values

    Select this check box for the resume parsing software to extract competencies and skills that are specified as "Other" because the candidate could not find a matching competency or skill in the provided list.

    Send HTML Resumes Via Email

    Select this option to enable recruiters to incorporate multiple resumes in HTML format in a single email. If this option is selected, these actions become available on job application records throughout the application.

    Show Incomplete Candidate Profiles
    Select this check box to enable recruiters to view incomplete registration records for a candidate in the candidate pool. For example, if a candidate uploads a resume that fails to parse, recruiters can access the records to assist the candidate.

    In the Logging And Notifications section, specify this information:

    If you use resume parsing, you can configure your organization to generate a log of resume parsing error messages. For example, a log entry is created if a parsed education record includes a country that does not exist in Infor HR Talent. The education record is created, but a parsing message is issued. When this features is enabled, you can identify and correct setup issues.

    Log Parsing Messages

    Select this check box to generate a log of resume parsing errors. You can view the errors under Talent Acquisition > Parsing Messages.


    If you select Log Parsing Messages, you can also select a resource who receives notifications when errors are generated with a link back to the log file. The selected resource for notification must have administrator or recruiter administrator privileges.

    In the Media Configuration section, specify this information:

    Talemetry User
    This field is displayed only if you have set up a Talemetry user for media on Talent Acquisition > Code Set Up > Talemetry User Set Up.

    To enable external candidates to import an existing profile from their Facebook, LinkedIn or Google+ account, select the Talemetry user that will be used to process the profiles.

    LinkedIn, Facebook, Google Plus

    Select the media to enable for your organization. Candidates can import a profile from the selected medias. You must select a media for that option to be provided to external candidates when they register.

    In the Direct Retrieval From Media API section, specify this information:

    Direct Data Retrieval
    Select this check box so external candidates can import from their profile using a media account when they register in candidates space. After the check box is selected, Input API key fields are displayed where you can specify the API keys that are obtained from the media providers.
  13. On the Requisitions tab, select the requisition component values to on requisitions at the time that they are created. These fields are not required. You can override these values on any requisition.
    Self Identification

    Select a self identification configuration that s on requisitions. Self identification configurations are created in Administrator > Talent Acquisition > Code Set Up > Self Identification > Configuration.

    Question Set

    Select a question set that by is applied to all requisitions. Note that question sets that are applied to positions override organization-level question sets. Question sets at the organization level are created in Administrator > Talent Acquisition > Code Set Up > Questions.

    Consent Agreement (External)

    Select a talent agreement that s on requisitions in the Consent Agreement (External) field. The text of this talent agreement displays on external candidate applications for the requisition. Consent agreements are created in Administrator > Talent Acquisition > Primary Set Up > Talent Agreements.

    Consent Agreement (Internal)

    Select a talent agreement that s on requisitions in the Consent Agreement (Internal) field. The text of this talent agreement displays on internal candidate applications for the requisition. Consent agreements are defined in Administrator > Talent Acquisition > Primary Set Up > Talent Agreements.

    Acknowledgment (External)

    Select a talent agreement that s on requisitions in the Acknowledgment (External) field. The text of this talent agreement displays on external candidate applications for the requisition. Acknowledgments are defined in Administrator > Talent Acquisition > Primary Set Up > Talent Agreements.

    Acknowledgment (Internal)

    Select a talent agreement that s on requisitions in the Acknowledgment (Internal) field. The text of this talent agreement displays on internal candidate applications for the requisition. Acknowledgments are defined in Administrator > Talent Acquisition > Primary Set Up > Talent Agreements.

    Show Locale Selector On Base Job Description
    Select this check box to show the Description Base Locale field on the Description tab of the details page for a requisition. This option enables users to indicate the language for the base job description for the requisition.
    Base Description To Locale Of Job Creator
    Select this check box to use the locale of the requisition creator to indicate the language for the base job description. This field can be selected for all new job requisitions. A customer update can be run to update all existing open requisitions with the selected value.
    Base Locale For Job Description
    Select a language to indicate it as the base language for every job description for the organization. The Base Description To Locale Of Job Creator check box must be cleared.
  14. On the Talent Acquisition Alerts tab, specify the number of days after which a requisition or job application is flagged with a red alert.
    Target Days Requisition Is Open
    Specify the number of days the requisition will be open.
  15. Click Save.