Undoing a hire
Recruiters can perform a manual action to undo a candidate's hire status.
Undoing a hire is useful when a candidate withdraws the acceptance or has not
started employment. The workflow step in which the candidate is placed is determined
by one of these configuration options:
- If an administrator has configured the workflow step for the Undo Hire action, then the candidate is placed into that step. The recruiter does not specify the workflow step.
- If a workflow step is not specified for the Undo Hire action, then a recruiter can specify the workflow step into which the candidate is placed at the time the Undo Hire action is performed.
You must consider these things when undoing a hire of the candidate:
- The job application must be in a closed state.
- The offer process and all offer data remains intact on the candidate's record including the employment start date.
- Job postings for the requisition are not automatically
If recruiters or administrators change the status of job postings, then they must make changes manually.
- Candidates who are auto-dispositioned are not reversed dispositioned.