Adding logos or banners to job posting templates

Use system-defined variables within job posting templates to add banners or logos based on organizational structure setup.

For more information about logos and banners, see Adding logos and banners to templates.

Note: When using image variables within job posting templates, the job posting contents are not displayed if you print the template to PDF.

To use system-defined variables to add logos or banners within job posting templates:

  1. Sign in as administrator.
  2. Select Talent Acquisition > > Template Setup > Job Posting Templates.
    The Job Posting Templates page is displayed.
  3. Create a new job posting template or drill down to update an existing job posting template.
  4. In the Posting Text rich-text editor, select from a list of system-defined variables, including:
    Organization Logo
    Organization Banner
    Organization Unit Logo
    Organization Unit Banner
    HR Location Logo
    HR Location Banner