Tasks in configurable job application processes

A task is like a step in the overall job application process. It can have one of several purposes, such as collecting candidate information in a form or making an attached file available. A candidate must complete all tasks that are available to them to complete the job application process.

Tasks are assigned to a process. Tasks can be configured so that they are available only to specific groups of candidates, called eligibility groups.

These are task types that serve specific purposes:
  • Form: attach a form to a task
  • Questions: make preconfigured questions available to applicants.
  • Behavioral: make behavioral assessments available to applicants.
  • Content: make policies or other content available to applicants.
  • Instructions: make instructions and images available to applicants.
  • URL: direct an applicant to policies or other content on a website.
  • Attachments: collect files from the applicant, such as resumes and cover letters.

Configuration options differ by task type. Options that are available in one task type might not be available in another.