Uploading resumes during job application

Before internal and external candidates can upload resumes during job application, an administrator must configure resume parsing.

See Configuring Burning Glass resume parsing and Configuring Talemetry resume and social media profile parsing.

After the candidates upload a resume in the Build Your Application (optional) pane, the resume is saved as an attachment within the job application.

  1. As an external candidate, select Jobs > Applications.
    As an internal candidate, select Employee > Resources > Opportunities.
  2. Click Search For Jobs.
  3. On the Job Search page, click the job title that you are applying to.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. In the Build Your Application (optional) pane, click UPLOAD RESUME (OPTIONAL).
    Note: If the resume parsing is configured and the candidates apply for the job, then the Build Your Application (optional) is displayed.
  6. In the File field, click the folder icon.
  7. Select the resume to attach.
  8. Click Submit
  9. Click Ok.