Defining candidate wizard text

Use this procedure to define customized text that will appear on specific pages of the candidate registration wizard and on the profile wizard. When the profile is entered, the text will also appear when the candidate adds or updates information in the profile.

To define candidate wizard text

  1. Access Administrator > Talent Acquisition > Code Setup > Configurable Text Setup > Candidate Wizard Text.
  2. Click New.

    On the Candidate Wizard Text Setup form, use the following guidelines to enter field information.

    Text For

    Select the section of the candidate registration wizard where you want the heading and text to appear. For more information on the field values, see Text For values.


    You can define only one wizard text instance for any Text For value.


    The wizard text is active by default. Clear the check box to make it inactive.

    Wizard Header

    Enter a heading. The heading will appear bold on the page.


    You can enter both a heading and text or you can enter either a heading or text.

    Wizard Text

    Enter text. The text will appear as normal paragraph text.


    You can enter both a heading and text or you can enter either a heading or text.

  3. Click Save.
  4. Repeat for each section to which you want to add text.

Text For values


The profile text you define will appear both on the candidate registration wizard and the candidate profile's addition and update pages.

Value Description
Registration The text will appear when a candidate is prompted to register.
Registration Confirmation The text will appear on the registration confirmation page.
Contact Information The text will appear on the page that prompts the candidate to enter candidate information.
Preferences The text will appear on the profile page that prompts the candidate to enter work preferences.
Profile Employment The text will appear on the profile page that prompts the candidate to enter employment history.
Profile Education The text will appear on the profile page that prompts the candidate to enter education history.
Profile Skills The text will appear on the profile page that prompts the candidate to enter skills information.
Profile Credentials The text will appear on the profile page that prompts the candidate to enter credentials.
Profile Achievements The text will appear on the profile page that prompts the candidate to enter achievements.
Profile Attachments The text will appear when the candidate adds or updates an attachment on the profile.
Profile Identification Number The text will appear on the profile page that prompts the candidate to enter identification numbers.
My Profile The text will appear on My Profile.
Profile References The text will appear on the profile page that prompts the candidate to enter the names and contact information of their references.
Attach Resume The text will appear on the Attach Resume page of the registration wizard when a candidate chooses Quick Profile or Full Profile.
Social Media This text will appear during the registration process when candidates select the option to upload their profile from a social media account. The text appears above the three-step procedure that guides candidates through importing their profile from a social media account.
Profile Questions The text will appear in the Questions section of My Profile (assuming profile questions are created).