Viewing candidate resumes in Classic mode
Recruiters can download and view candidate resumes in Classic mode. The first version of a resume uploaded to the system can be accessed from the candidate pool. More recent versions of that resume can be accessed from the candidate profile. Resumes in .pdf format that were parsed with Burning Glass are not viewable in the panel on the Resumes screen.
- Sign in as Recruiter and select .
- Locate the candidate.
- If a candidate has one or more resumes in the system, then a link to the first resume that was added to the system is shown near the candidate's name. To download this resume, click View Resume. Most recent resume will be marked as primary for all applicants.
- If a candidate has multiple resumes, then recruiters can download these resumes in the candidate profile. Double-click the candidate name.
- Click Attachments.
- Double-click the resume to view.
- Click the link to download the file.