Creating a workflow

You can create one or more workflows for each organization. After you create the workfow, you must configure workflow steps, details, categories, and communications. Then you can assign the workflow to one or more requisitions.
  1. Select Talent Acquisition > Workflow Setup > Hiring Workflows.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Hiring Workflow
    Specify the name of the workflow.
    Description (no label)
    Specify a user-friendly description of the workflow. This field is translatable.
    Make the workflow available in the requisition so that recruiters can use the workflow for a requisition.
    If a workflow is set to Default, then the requisition uses this workflow unless the recruiter chooses an alternate workflow during the requisition process. An organization can designate only one workflow as default.
    Manage Filled Openings
    Set the action that is used to manage the FilledOpenings count for Requisitions that use the workflow.

    See Automating job posting removal.

  4. Click Save. When the workflow is created, you must configure workflow steps.