Uploading document templates for Talent Acquisition

You must create and save the document template in RTF format on your machine or on a shared server before you can attach the template to Talent Acquisition.

This procedure uploads the document templates and make them available to recruiters when they are creating an offer, submitting a candidate to managers for consideration, hire paperwork, or any other use.


Contract document templates are not uploaded to Talent Acquisition. They are uploaded to Administrator > Setup > Contract Components > Templates.

To upload a document template

  1. Select Administrator > Talent Acquisition > Template Setup > Document Templates.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Effective Date

    Specify the date that the document template is available.

    Document Template

    Specify the name of the template. For example, JOBOFFER


    Specify a description of the template. If you leave this field blank, then the document template name defaults in this field.

    Preferred Document Language

    If your organization uses Dynamic Embedded Translation (DET), then you can specify that the document be translated to the candidate's language or to the hiring manager's language. If you do not select a preferred language, then the company base language is used.


    The template is active by default. To make the template inactive, clear this check box.

    Template File

    Specify the template file that is used for the template. Click Browse, browse to the template file you want to attach, and double-click the file.

    Mime Type

    When you attach the file, the file type displays in this field. For RTF files, the type is application/rtf.

  4. Click Save.

Related tasks

  • To update a template attachment description, open the attachment, specify the effective date, change the description, and click Save.

  • To replace the currently attached template file with a different file or a new version of the attached file, open the attachment, click Browse, browse to the template file you want to attach, and double-click the file.

  • To delete a template attachment, select the template on the templates list, click Delete, click Yes to confirm, specify the effective date, and click OK.


    You cannot remove a file attachment that is in use in a current offer.