Uploading document templates for Talent Acquisition
You must create and save the document template in RTF format on your machine or on a shared server before you can attach the template to Talent Acquisition.
This procedure uploads the document templates and make them available to recruiters when they are creating an offer, submitting a candidate to managers for consideration, hire paperwork, or any other use.
Contract document templates are not uploaded to Talent Acquisition. They are uploaded to Administrator > Setup > Contract Components > Templates.
To upload a document template
Related tasks
To update a template attachment description, open the attachment, specify the effective date, change the description, and click Save.
To replace the currently attached template file with a different file or a new version of the attached file, open the attachment, click Browse, browse to the template file you want to attach, and double-click the file.
To delete a template attachment, select the template on the templates list, click Delete, click Yes to confirm, specify the effective date, and click OK.
Note:You cannot remove a file attachment that is in use in a current offer.