Adding an external candidate
External candidates are created automatically in Talent Acquisition when a candidate registers on organization's career web site. Internal candidates are created automatically if the organization is configured to auto create candidates and the internal candidates are given the appropriate security.
In addition, recruiters can create external candidates manually. For example, they might have a high-profile position for which they do not want to require the candidate to apply online, or they may have electronic resumes that they want to add to the system so they can compare the candidates with other candidates already in the system. Or they may meet a candidate that they like, and send them a log in to register in the career site and download their resume.
Once they create candidates, recruiters can email them to invite them to visit the career web site and create their profile. The email contains a system-generated log in that the new candidate can use to log in.
If the recruiter specifies only the candidate's name and email during the "Add A Candidate" process, then exits the form, the candidate will be taken to the Registration page, where a resume parsing option will be available (assuming the organization uses resume parsing).
Recruiters can also attach a candidate to a job and email the candidate to check the position on the career web site. Again, the email contains a system-generated log in that the new candidate can use. Or recruiters can attach a candidate to a job and, if they have the candidate's agreement, mark the candidate as having applied.
To add an external candidate