Enabling employee access to Symmetry tax forms

Your organization must have purchased the Symmetry integration as an add-on. Use this procedure to enable the Symmetry integration, configure the web service, and configure Infor parameters.

Administrators can make Symmetry tax forms available to employees. From the Tax Forms area of the Edit Profile page in the employee profile, employees can view, edit, and submit Symmetry tax forms.

If the payroll system is Infor HR Talent, define the Symmetry tax form IDs that apply to a tax authority. See Creating a tax authority in the Infor HR TalentHR PayrollSetup and Administration Guide.

Use this procedure to enable employee access to Symmetry tax forms.

  1. Select Administrator > Set Up > Structure > Organizations.
  2. Open the record for the organization.
  3. On the Country Configurable Fields tab, right-click the record for the US and select Update.
    Symmetry tax forms are available for US customers only.
  4. In the Effective Date field, select an effective date.
  5. On the Configurable Fields tab, select the Symmetry Tax Forms check box.
  6. Click Configure.
  7. Specify this information:
    User Name
    This is used to connect to the Symmetry web service.
    This is used to connect to the Symmetry web service.
    Postback User Name
    The user name for the Infor Talent Science server is provided by Infor.
    Postback Password
    This password for the Infor Talent Science server is provided by Infor.
    The rest of the values on the form are automatically populated with the values on the Transition Management form.
  8. Click Submit.