Creating conditional questions in the question catalog
Before you can set up conditional questions, you must
define the recruiting questions.
- Select Talent Acquisition > Code Setup > Questions > Question Catalog.
- Click the Questions tab.
- Click Create.
- Specify this information:
- Effective date
- Specify the date when the question is available for activation.
- Question
- Specify the conditional question.
For example, if your parent question is “Have you worked for this organization in the past?”, then you can specify “Which location did you work at?”.
- Active
- The question is active by default. Clear this check box to make the recruiting question inactive. Inactive recruiting questions are not displayed in some lists.
- Show When Parent Question
- Select this option to show all Yes No and List type questions that you can use as a parent question.
- Show When Answer Of Parent Question
- Specify the answer that shows the child questions during the application process.
- Display Order
- Specify the order that is used to show the child questions to the candidate. The answer with the lowest number is shown first in the list.
- Response Type
- Specify the type of response that is expected. Additional options are available, depending on the response type. For example, if you select a Yes No response type, then you can select the preferred answer. If you select a List response type, then you must specify the answers available to the candidate on the Answers tab.
- Is A Response Required?
- Select this check box to require the candidates to respond to the question. Candidates cannot complete the application until they answer all required questions.
- Choose The Preferred Answer
- If the question is used to screen out candidates and the response type is Yes No or Yes No Text, then select the preferred answer.
- Require Follow Up Text If Answer Is
- If the question is used to screen out candidates and the question type is Yes No Text, then indicate whether the candidate must specify follow-up text and for what response. For example, if you select No, then the candidate must add follow-up text to a No answer.
- Score If Answer Is Yes
- If the response type is Yes No or Yes No Text, then specify the numeric value that the candidate earns when Yes is specified.
- Score If Answer Is No
- If the response type is Yes No or Yes No Text, then specify the numeric value that the candidate earns when No is specified.
- Click Save.
If you selected List or Multi
Select as the response type, then the Answers tab is displayed. Click Create and specify this information:
- Effective Date
- Specify the date that the answer is available.
- Value
- Specify the answer.
- This Is The Preferred Answer
- If you select List as the response type and the question is included in the application, then designate the answer as a preferred answer. You can specify more than one answer as a preferred answer. If this is a screen-out question, then you must select one of the answers as the preferred answer.
- Score
- If the question is scored, then specify a numeric score that the candidate earns for submitting this answer.
- Click Save.