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Infor HR Talent Talent Acquisition User Guide
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Talent Acquisition overview
Talent Acquisition roles
Talent Acquisition integration with other applications
Talent Acquisition setup
Infor HR Talent setup
The classic user interface and the SoHo 4 UX user interface
Enabling the SoHo 4 UX web interface
Configuring percent fit calculation and display rules
Creating sources
Creating specific sources
Custom groups
Configuring the shortenURL service
Configuration of the Infor HR Service Delivery interface
Corporate time zone configuration
Setting a corporate time zone to override the server time zone
Time zone setting troubleshooting
Talent Acquisition organization setup
Parameters defined at the Talent Acquisition organization level
Configuring Talent Acquisition organization parameters
Additional setup for internal candidates
Exclude from auto creating internal candidates
Configuring job requisition synchronization rules
Configuring Burning Glass resume parsing
Configuring Talemetry resume and social media profile parsing
Enabling payroll distribution overrides for requisitions
Configuring payroll distribution overrides for requisitions
System-generated resume setup
Enabling system-generated resumes
Viewing system-generated resumes
Accessing the system-generated resume template
Customizing the system-generated resume template
Printing a system-generated resume
Configurable hiring workflow setup
Configurable hiring workflow
Security and roles with configurable hiring workflow
Enabling configurable hiring workflow
Migrating configurable hiring workflow features
Creating a workflow
Creating workflow steps
Adding actions to workflow steps
Assigning automated actions to workflow steps
Assigning communication categories to workflow steps
Assigning disposition reasons to workflow steps
Assigning screening categories and screening packages to workflow steps
Routing candidates to specific workflow steps with eligibility groups
Examples of workflow routing based on group eligibility
Configuring quick movements
Validating workflow quick actions
Using eligibility groups within automations for quick actions
Automating job posting removal
Configuring workflow details
Creating a workflow step for undone hires
Workflow actions triggered by workflow steps
Creating custom actions
Workflow categories
Creating categories for workflow steps
Assigning a workflow step to a workflow category
Workflow changes
Workflows and tasks
Deferring tasks in a workflow
Examples of deferred tasks in workflows
Manager access to workflow steps
Limiting and showing workflow steps
Creating a condition on JobRequisitionWorkflowStep
JobRequisitionWorkflowStep condition examples
Adding or updating a security class for workflow step access
Limiting and showing candidates within workflow steps
Creating a condition on JobApplication
JobApplication condition examples
Adding or updating the HiringManager security class for candidate access
Limiting the move to step menu list
Creating a condition on JobRequisitionWorkflowStep
JobRequisitionWorkflowStep condition examples
Creating a new user list on JobRequisitionWorkflowStep
Configuring move to step
Alerts and notifications setup
Configuring alerts and notifications
Scheduling aging candidate notifications
Scheduling aging requisition notifications
Scheduling job notification alerts
Configurable approval process setup
Approval permissions
Enabling approver templates
Creating a new approver template
Deleting an approver template
Copying an approver template
Deleting an approver
Changing the sequence of approvers on approver templates
Assigning approver templates to requisitions
Assigning approver templates to positions
Requesting updates to approver templates
Configurable job application setup
Configurable job application setup overview
Configurable job application setup sequence
Elements of configurable job application
The candidate experience with configurable job application
The recruiter experience with configurable job application
Enabling the configurable job application
Configurable job application processes
Creating a job application process
Deleting tasks from a job application process
Assigning a job application process to a requisition
Tasks in configurable job application processes
Restricting task eligibility
Creating a form task
Creating a questions task
Creating a content task
Creating an instructions task
Creating a URL task
Creating an attachments task
Creating a behavioral assessment task
Assigning a behavioral assessment task to job applications
Calculation methods for tasks
Creating calculation methods
Forms for configurable job application processes
Standard forms for configurable job application processes
Editing instructions on standard configurable job application forms
Custom forms for configurable job application processes
Creating custom forms for configurable job application
Uploading files for custom forms
Content for configurable job application processes
Creating content for configurable job application processes
Defining and maintaining job application ranks
Configuring the header on the job application PDF
Recruiter setup
Defining recruiters
Activating or inactivating recruiters
Deleting recruiters
Template setup
System-defined variables for templates
System-defined variables for requisition-level email templates
Inserting variables into templates
Document templates
Uploading document templates for Talent Acquisition
Logos and banners in templates
Adding a document logo to the logo library
Adding logos and banners to templates
Setting up logos and banners for organization units
Setting up logos and banners for locations
Email and note templates
Defining email templates
Defining job notification email templates
Updating email templates
Copying email templates
Deleting email templates
Defining note templates
Updating note templates
Copying note templates
Deleting note templates
Communication categories for email and note templates
Defining communication categories
Deleting communication categories
Job posting templates
Defining and maintaining job posting templates
Associating job posting templates with requisitions
Logos and banners in job posting templates
Adding logos or banners to job posting templates
Previewing banners or logos within job postings
Offer letter templates
Enabling offer letter templates
Creating offer letter templates
Updating offer letter templates
Copying offer letter templates
Deleting offer letter templates
Adding a signature to the candidate offer form
Document logos in offer letter templates
Adding logos to offer letter templates
Viewing logos in final offer letters
Offer letter paragraphs
Configured variables in offer letter paragraphs
Accessing variables in offer letter paragraphs
Configuring variables for offer letter paragraphs
Adding a pay rate or allowance variable
System-defined variables in offer letter paragraphs
Creating offer letter paragraphs
Updating offer letter paragraphs
Copying offer letter paragraphs
Deleting offer letter paragraphs
Creating offer letter paragraph categories
Assigning categories to offer letter paragraphs
Adding offer letter paragraphs to offer letter templates
Using the helper to add offer letter paragraphs to offer letter templates
Talent agreement forms setup
Talent agreements
Defining talent agreement forms
Updating consent agreement or acknowledgment forms
Deleting consent agreement or acknowledgment forms
Talent Acquisition widget setup
Setting up the Candidate Alerts widgets
Setting up the Recruiting News widget
Setting up the Recruiting Links widget
Configurable text setup
Defining candidate wizard text
Defining job application wizard text
Symmetry tax form configuration
Enabling employee access to Symmetry tax forms
Specifying Symmetry tax forms
Job board setup
Job boards and job posting rules
Defining job boards
Limiting job applications from a candidate
Defining job posting rules
Updating job posting rules
Deleting job posting rules
Adding job boards to a job posting rule
Locations and locations of jobs
Defining locations of jobs
Maintaining locations of jobs
External job board setup
Job board setup with Candidate Experience
Enabling the Candidate Experience
Creating a job board with Candidate Experience
Configuring a welcome message
Configuring threading for welcome emails
Resending initiating emails for incomplete candidate programs
Candidate security class maintenance
Updating the candidate security class for the CandidateSpace.zip
Updating the candidate security class for Candidate Experience
Options for sharing job posting in external and third-party job boards
Configuring sharing options for a job posting in new external and third-party job boards
Configuring sharing options for a job posting in existing external and third-party job boards
Candidate Experience and Candidate Space integration
Editing the CandidateSpace.zip file
Editing CandidateSpace.zip previous versions - content.html
Editing CandidateSpace.zip previous versions - application.js
Editing CandidateSpace.zip previous versions - applicationUi.js
Editing CandidateSpace.zip previous versions - mobileApply-ui.js
Job board setup with Candidate Space
Candidate Space user interface configuration
CandidateSpace.zip monthly maintenance
The CandidateSpace.zip folder structure
The Candidate Space home page
Uploading the CandidateSpace.zip to job boards
Replacing the CandidateSpace.zip file
Configuring WebSphere to support PNG images
Header and background area customization
Customizing your corporate logo
Integrating your organization menu into the header area
Customizing the background image
Changing the Candidate Space font family
Changing the Candidate Space color theme
Modifying the Candidate Space map option
Candidate Space translations
Editing translations of an existing locale
Adding new translatable text to Candidate Space
Editing English text in CandidateSpace.zip
Removing languages from Candidate Space
Customizing the help text in Candidate Space
Enabling social share for Candidate Space
Configuring external job boards for job scraping
Removing the job listings tab on Candidate Space
Configuring the cookie banner
Enabling the cookie banner
Disabling functional cookies until the user accepts
Disabling functional cookies even if the user accepts
Changing cookie banner text
Showing and hiding common areas of the job board
Hiding the preferences tab
Hiding fields in preferences
Mobile Candidate Space configuration
Enabling mobile Candidate Space for an organization
Enabling mobile Candidate Space for a job board
Customizing the mobile Candidate Space
Job postings
Creating a single job posting for a requisition
Creating multiple job postings for a requisition with a job rule
Posting requisitions to job boards
Removing job postings
LinkedIn Basic Jobs setup
Enabling LinkedIn Basic Jobs
LinkedIn Basic Jobs configuration
Setting up Job Boards for use with LinkedIn Basic Jobs
Generating a link for the XML feed for LinkedIn Basic Jobs
Loading industry codes for LinkedIn Basic Jobs
Screening setup
Creating assessment vendors
Creating assessment packages
Creating assessments for assessment packages
Background checks
Creating background check vendors
Creating background check packages
Defining background checks for a background check package
Screening categories
Creating screening categories
Integration of screening requests with third-party vendors
Interview setup
Defining and maintaining interview types
Defining and maintaining interview statuses
Defining and maintaining interview results
Defining and maintaining interview scheduling
Advanced interview scheduling
Enabling advanced interview scheduling
Configuring advanced interview scheduling
Creating an interview scheduling template
Setting up default interview reminders
Creating the default values of interview types
Self-identification setup
Defining text for self identification components
Defining self identification configurations
Question setup
Defining recruiting questions
Profile questions
Defining profile questions
Question sets
Defining question sets
Assigning question sets to positions
Assigning questions sets to job records
Assigning question sets to organizations
Adding standalone questions to question sets
Changing the display order of question sets
Question categories
Defining question categories
Adding question categories to question sets
Conditional questions
Enabling conditional questions
Creating conditional questions in the question catalog
Creating conditional questions in profile questions
Creating conditional questions for requisitions
Candidate tags
Defining candidate tags
Action reasons
Defining Do Not Hire action reasons
Disposition reasons
Defining and maintaining candidate disposition reasons
Dashboard panel setup
Candidate profile dashboard panels
Enabling dashboard panels on the candidate profile
Enabling dashboard panels on the job application
Requisition dashboard panels
Enabling requisition dashboard panels
The requisitions dashboard filtered view
Enabling the requisitions dashboard filtered view
Span of control setup
Building lists of available positions with span of control
Rebuilding lists of available positions with span of control
Manually adding available positions
Position default updates setup
Enabling position default updates
Enabling position update defaults on hire
Removing specific fields from position defaulting rules
Attachment types
Defining attachment types
Setting the maximum size of attachment files
Configuration of Infor Ming.le widgets
Requisition process overview
Defaulting values for requisitions and job applications
Defining reasons for opening a requisition
Creating requisition cost reasons
Requisition creation
Creating requisitions
Creating a requisition from a copy
Adding a description to a job requisition
Questions on requisitions
Adding a question set to a requisition
Adding questions from the question catalog to a requisition
Adding questions to a requisition
Viewing candidate responses to questions in a job application
Adding notes to requisitions
Adding document attachments to requisitions
Adding expenses to requisitions
Defining overrides for a requisition
Locating requisitions
Deleting requisitions
Requisition statuses
Changing the status of a requisition
Requisition approval
Requesting approval for draft requisitions
Approving draft requisitions
Approving draft requisitions manually
Requesting updates to requisitions
Adding ad hoc approvers to requisitions
Removing ad hoc approvers from requisitions
Additional positions on requisitions
Enabling additional positions on requisitions
Creating additional positions on requisitions
Auto create requisition upon vacated position
Enabling auto create requisition upon vacated position
Specifying email notifications for automatically created requisitions
Candidates and job applications
The candidate pool
Searching candidates in the candidate pool
Viewing and updating candidate information
Adding an external candidate
Applying to positions for candidates
Attaching a candidate to a requisition
Identifying duplicate candidates
Resume parsing
Uploading resumes in Candidate Experience
Uploading resumes as a document attachment in the candidate profile
Uploading resumes during job application
Burning Glass resume parsing
Supported document types for resume parsing with Burning Glass
Supported languages for resume parsing with Burning Glass
Verifying Burning Glass automatic updates
Updating Burning Glass resume parsing
Configuring HTML resume generation
Talemetry resume parsing
Supported document types for resume parsing with Talemetry
Supported languages for resume parsing with Talemetry
Defining a Talemetry user in Talent Acquisition
Removing unprocessed Talemetry records
Enabling multiple locations and nationwide indicators in Talemetry
Resume parsing errors
Viewing parsing messages
Correcting parsing errors
Candidate passwords
Enabling candidate password resets
Specifying candidate passwords
Generating candidate passwords
Verifiable credentials
Viewing and verifying verifiable credentials on the Requisitions page
Viewing and verifying verifiable credentials in the candidate pool
Viewing and verifying verifiable credentials in the candidate's talent profile
Verification and reverification of candidate's career credentials
Tracking verification and reverification of verifiable credentials
Candidate management in Classic mode
The recruiter's Today view
The recruiter's Requisitions view
Candidate selection
Viewing candidate resumes in Classic mode
Reviewing and updating job applications
Assigning ranks to job applications
Sending emails that use a template
Sending emails from attachments
Creating candidate notes
Adding document attachments to job applications
Modeling a percent fit for a candidate
Mass recalculating percent fit for all job applications
Moving job applications through the selection processes
Dispositioning candidates
Mass dispositioning candidates
Interview setup and processing
Candidate interviews
Scheduling an interview from a job application
Creating a meeting from a job application
Sending online interview questions
Updating interview statuses
Sending mass emails to candidates or job applicants
Sending mass emails to candidates
Sending mass e-mails to a dynamic group of job applicants
Sending e-mails to selected job applicants
Sending multiple resumes with one e-mail
Candidate management with configurable hiring workflow
Overview of processing candidates with configurable hiring workflow
Associating a workflow with a requisition
Monitoring your workload with configurable hiring workflow
The recruiter's Today view with configurable hiring workflow
The recruiter's Requisitions view with configurable hiring workflow
Candidate profile dashboard panels
Candidate profile actions
Adding documents to candidate profiles
Adding attachments to candidate profiles
Adding notes to candidate profiles
Attaching candidates to additional requisitions
Calculating a candidate's fit with a requisition
Setting a candidate to Do Not Hire
The recruiter's Workflows view with configurable hiring workflow
Viewing historical candidate information
Viewing candidate notes from a workflow
Creating candidate notes from a workflow
Reinstating a withdrawn candidate into a workflow
Workflow actions that can be manually triggered
Manually triggering workflow actions from the Requisitions dashboard
Manually triggering workflow actions from the Workflows menu
Manually triggering workflow actions from a candidate card
Moving, holding, and dispositioning candidates in workflows
Candidate and job application import record errors
Resolving import record errors
Requisition-level emails
Sending requisition-level emails
Sending requisition-level correspondence
Emailing candidate resumes
Job offers
Defining an offer
Creating an offer letter
Changing the status of an offer
Requesting offer reviews
Defining a job offer filter for a recruiter
Viewing job offers
Creating interview teams
Scheduling an interview
Using advanced interview scheduling
Viewing interview schedules on a job application
Candidate screening
Candidate screening
Screening packages
Auto assigning screening packages
Auto assigning screening packages to candidates
Auto assigning screening packages to resources
Assigning screening packages to individual candidates
Assigning screening packages to individual resources
Mass assigning screening packages to candidates
Mass assigning screening packages to resources
Sending screening packages to vendors
Sending screening packages for individual candidates
Sending screening packages for individual resources
Mass send screening packages to vendors
Mass sending screening packages for candidates
Individual screening results requests
Requesting screening package results for candidates
Requesting screening package results for resources
Mass screening results requests
Mass requesting screening results for candidates
Mass requesting screening results for resources
Posting screening results manually
Reference checks
Requesting references
Adding reference information
Tracking the reference verification process
Defining reference statuses
Job offers
Offer process overview
Offer definition requests
Requesting to define an offer
Approving offers
Offer letters
Creating offer letters as a recruiter
Previewing offer letters
Recruiter offer letter editing permissions
Setting a default offer letter template for a position
Setting a default offer letter template for a requisition
Emailing job offers to candidates
Changing the status of an offer
Legacy employment contracts
Creating legacy employment contract documents
Using employment contracts as job offers
Defining and routing offers with legacy employment contracts
Emailing legacy employment contracts
Offer review
Offer review cycle
Adding offer review instructions
Adding offer review validation
Candidate acquisition and transition
External candidate hires
Hiring external candidates
Undoing a hire
Resource rehires
Rehiring resources
Internal candidate transfers
Transferring internal candidates
Internal candidate promotion
Promoting internal candidates
Work assignment addition
Adding work assignments to internal candidates
Candidate transition
The preboarding process
Creating a transition program
Talent Acquisition standard reports and lists
Infor HR Talent reporting capabilities
Talent Acquisition reports
Landmark Embedded Analytics cubes
Recruiting Costs reports
Recruitment Activity reports
Time To Fill reports
Candidate analysis reports
Assessments and background checks
Assessment and background check processes
Implementation consideration for assessment requests
Variables interfaced to the Assessment Vendor (Send Request Package)
Vendor acknowledgment
Implementation considerations for assessment results
Variables interfaced to the Assessment Vendor (RequestResults)
Assessment results received
Implementation considerations for background check requests
Variables interfaced to the Background Check Vendor (SendingScreeningPackage)
Background check vendor acknowledgment
Implementation considerations for background check reports
Variables interfaced to the Background Check Vendor (RequestResults)
Background check results received
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