Adding or updating a security class for workflow step access
When a Hiring Manager views the All or Workflow tabs within the workflow, they will only see the steps they have access to via the HiringManagerSteps condition.
Most customers will have already created a custom HiringManager security class. If you have a HiringManager security class, update the custom HiringManager security class to include JobRequisitionWorkflowStep BusinessClass to include the HiringManagerSteps condition as indicated in the example:
JobRequisitionWorkflowStep BusinessClass is accessible for all inquiries when JobRequisition.IsHiringManager and HiringManagerSteps and JobRequisition.HiringManagerAncestorDirectSupervisor
Note: JobRequisition.HiringManagerAncestorDirectSupervisor should be added if using
Filtered Requisition View for Manager and the manager should be able to view the
candidates on their Staff’s requisitions.