Configuring workflow details

After you have created and configured workflow steps, you can configure workflow details.

  1. Sign in as Administrator and select Talent Acquisition > Workflow Setup > Hiring Workflows.
  2. Open the workflow.
  3. In the Application Routing section, specify the step in which a candidate is placed when a specific action happens within the workflow.

    When candidates are included in a disposition type step, a corresponding Disposition Reason field is displayed. Routing a candidate directly into a disposition step automatically dispositions their application with the specified disposition reason.

    Candidate Expresses Interest
    Select the workflow step in which to place candidates who express interest in a requisition that is associated with the workflow.
    Attach Candidate To Requisition
    Select the workflow step in which to place candidates who are manually attached to a requisition associated with the workflow.
    Submitted By Candidate
    Select the workflow step in which to place submitted job applications for a requisition associated with the workflow.
    Screened Out Online
    Select the workflow step in which to place online job applicants who were screened out of a requisition associated with the workflow. If the step is a disposition step, then you must specify a disposition reason.
    Offer Submitted For Approval
    Select the workflow step in which to place candidates whose offers were submitted for approval for a requisition associated with the workflow. If application routing is set up, then the selected workflow step requires the Define Offer action. The Define Offer workflow action is completed when the offer is approved.
    Offer Approved
    Select the workflow step in which to place candidates whose offers were approved for a requisition associated with the workflow.
    Offer Rejected
    Select the workflow step in which to place candidates whose offers were rejected by an approver for a requisition associated with the workflow. For example, an approver might reject an offer submitted to a candidate if it required changes, such as another salary amount.
    Offer Accepted By Candidate
    Select the workflow step in which to place candidates whose offers were accepted for a requisition associated with the workflow.
    Offer Declined By Candidate
    Select the workflow step in which to place candidates whose offers were declined for a requisition that is associated with the workflow. If the step is a disposition step, then you must specify a disposition reason.
    Undo Hire
    This feature is available when Configurable Hiring Workflow and the SoHo 4 UX web interface are enabled. Select the workflow step in which to place candidates when a recruiter performs the Undo Hire action. See Creating a workflow step for undone hires.
  4. In the If Last Opening For Requisition section, specify the step at which to remove job postings and update a requisition status to indicate that it has been filled or closed. These workflow actions occur when the final candidate for the requisition moves into the chosen step. Specify this information:
    Remove Postings Upon Entering
    Select the workflow step in which to remove all job postings associated with the workflow when the requisition is filled. When a candidate is moved into the workflow step specified in the Remove Postings Upon Entering field, the # Remaining field on requisitions is checked. If the value of this field is zero, then job postings are removed. The # Remaining field must be zero before the candidate is moved into the specified workflow step.

    See Automating job posting removal.

    Fill Requisition Upon Entering
    Select the workflow step in which to set job postings associated with the workflow to Filled when the requisition has been filled.
    Close Requisition Upon Entering
    Select the workflow step in which to close the requisition associated with the workflow when the requisition has been filled.
  5. In the Automatically Disposition Upon section, you can configure the workflow to route candidates who are not in a final disposition status to the next sequential disposition type step upon the requisition status changing to Fill, Close, or Cancel. If a workflow is assigned at the position or requisition level, and Fill, Close, or Cancel is selected, then at least one workflow step must be associated with a type of disposition. If nothing is selected in this section, then the recruiter is prompted to disposition candidates who have not been dispositioned. Specify this information:
    Select this check box to automatically disposition all applications when the requisition is filled.
    Select this check box to automatically disposition all applications when the requisition is closed.
    Select this check box to automatically disposition all applications when the requisition is canceled.
  6. In the Profile Synchronization section, you can enable the candidate profile and job application profile to sync to changes made by the candidate in Candidate Space. Specify this information:

    When you select the Synchronize Profile check box, the Lock Profile At field is available. In the Lock Profile At field, you can select at which step in the hiring workflow to lock the job application profile and disable its synchronization with the candidate profile. For example, profile synchronization can be locked at the Interview step.

    Synchronize Profile
    Select this check box to enable the synchronization of the job application with the candidate profile.
  7. In the Position Budgeting section, you can select at which steps the budget is tracked. This process replaces the classic workflow selection step for which budgeting was initiated. For more information, see the Position Budget Management User Guide. Specify this information:
    Select the workflow step that initiates an offer.
    Select the workflow step that initiates the onboarding process.
    Within Hire Process
    Select the workflow step that initiates the hiring process.
  8. In the Additional Application Tasks Completion Message section, specify the notification that is sent to candidates when they complete an additional task associated with the workflow step. Specify this information:
    Summary Type
    Select Rich Text to create your own notification text in the Text field. Select Content to select existing content from the system. If you select Content, then the Content field is displayed.
    Final Step Display Text
    Specify the text that is displayed in the final step. For example, specify Thank you for applying to Acme Corporation.
    If you selected Rich Text in the Summary Type field, specify the text that is displayed in the notification.
    If you selected Content in the Summary Type field, select the existing content that is displayed in the notification message.
  9. Click Save.