Nine-block chart
A nine-block chart is a chart used to visually see how different successors or potential successors compare against each other based on potential and performance. You can define one nine-block chart for an organization. Although the common name for this chart is nine-block, the chart is not restricted to having nine sections or blocks. You can define more or fewer sections.
The number of rows and columns in a nine-block chart is determined by the potential levels and performance levels. Potential and performance levels are defined for the organization in Organization Rules. The number of Performance Levels is the number of rows in the chart. The number of Potential Levels is the number of columns in the chart. The Description you provide for each level is used as the label for that row or column in the chart. When you are adding a Performance Level, you can also provide a range to convert the performance rating to a nine-block chart value.
The nine-block chart is accessible from succession pools and from talent pools in Succession Plan. When the chart is displayed, you can click the name of the resource in the chart to view more information about the resource. You can also add a resource to the chart using the Actions menu. Resources that are missing performance or potential ratings cannot be evaluated for the nine-block chart. The missing resources are listed in the Not Yet Evaluated section.
For more information about setting up a nine-block chart, see Creating organization succession rules.