Adding resources to a pool from Manage Resources
Sign in as Administrator or Generalist.
Select .
In the Resources list, select the resources to add to the pool.
Select .
Specify this information:
- Position
- Select the succession pool to which to add the resource.
You must select a succession pool, a talent pool, or both.
- Talent Pool
- Select the talent pool to which to add the resource. You
must select a succession pool, a talent pool or both.
- Status
- Select whether to add the resource to the pool as
proposed or confirmed. The default
is proposed.
- Readiness
- Select a readiness code for the resource. These codes are defined by the
administrator. Readiness is used to indicate the timeline when the resource is ready
to fill the requirements of the pool. If a resource is added with a
Confirmed status, then Readiness is required.
- Recommendation Date
- Select the date on which the resource is recommended for this talent
- Pool Source
- Select the source from which this resource was considered for the talent
pool. Pool sources are defined by the administrator role.
- Comments
- Optionally, provide comments about the resources that relates to their
being in the succession or talent pool.
Click Submit.