Bench strength
In Succession Management, bench strength is the percentage of key and critical positions that have a successor who is ready now or in the future. Bench strength is calculated using confirmed successors in a talent pool or succession pool. Bench strength is calculated at the organization level by default, but can also be calculated for a specific organization unit. To calculate bench strength for an organization unit, that organization unit must be specified on the position. Within a succession plan, the bench strength tab is the roll up to the organization level of the bench strength's for succession pools. Bench strength for a talent pool is only calculated for the pool. There is no roll up.
A generalist can view bench strength information on Succession Plan. Bench strength is presented as a pie chart. Each section represents the number of positions by successor status.
To manage bench strength, sign in as an Administrator and select
or .Bench strength for a talent pool
Bench strength is the readiness level of the confirmed resources in the talent pool.
- Proposed: Resources who are in a proposed status are not included in this calculation
- No Successors: If there are no confirmed resources in a talent pool, then the talent pool's bench strength is no successors.
- Ready In Future: If there are confirmed resources but none are ready for succession, then the talent pool's bench strength is Ready in Future. Not ready for succession means that their readiness does not match the code that is defined in the Ready Now code for the organization.
- Ready Now: If there is at least one resource in the talent pool with a Ready Now status, then the bench strength for the talent pool is Ready Now.
Unlike a succession pool, the bench strength of a talent pool is not rolled up and reported on an organization and organization unit basis. Bench strength for a talent pool is only determined for the particular talent pool being viewed. You can update bench strength for all talent pools in an organization with the Update Bench Strength action.