Adding resources to a talent pool automatically

  1. Sign in as Administrator or Generalist.
  2. Select Succession > Automatic Add To Pool.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select an organization.
    Select the succession pool to which to add the resource. You must select a succession pool, a talent pool, or both.
    Talent Pool
    Select the talent pool to which to add the resource. You must select a succession pool, a talent pool, or both.
    Eligibility Group
    Select the eligibility group of resources to automatically add to the pool. You must select an eligibility group when adding resources to a pool automatically.

    If the Talent pool you selected is defined with an associated eligibility group, that eligibility group is the default here.

    Pool Source
    Select the source from which this resource was considered for the talent pool. Pool sources are defined by the administrator role.
    Percent Fit Minimum
    Specify the minimum percent of fitness required before a resource can be added to the pool.
    Percent Fit with Tolerance Minimum
    Specify the minimum percent of fitness required, including a tolerance, before a resource can be added to the pool. If both a Percent Fit Minimum and a Percent Fit with Tolerance Minimum are specified, a resource must meet both minimum qualifications before they are added to the specified pool.
  4. Click Submit.