Attaching an observation to an incident

Perform this task if an employee reports an observation that duplicates one from which an incident was already generated.

  1. Sign in as Health & Safety Management.
  2. Select Observation Log.
  3. On the New tab or In Review tab, select a record.
  4. Click the Attach To Incident action.
  5. Select the number for the existing incident to which to attach this observation.
    The location of the observation must match the location of the incident.

    You can change the Incident Type value that was copied from the observation. This is especially important for COVID-19 incidents. If no option is suitable, then you can add one. See Creating safety categories.

  6. Click Submit.
    The observation is moved to the Active tab of the Observation Log. It is also added to the Observations tab of the incident record that you attached it to.