Recipients of notifications

These recipients receive notifications that have been configured for observation- and incident-related actions:

Action Category Notification Name Result of Selecting Notification
Observations Create with Employee Notifies the health and safety administrator or facility manager who oversees each location where an employee was impacted by an observation.
Create without Employee Notifies the health and safety administrator or facility manager who oversees each location where there was no employee who was involved.
Input Requested Notifies the person who was requested to give an observation input.
Input Provided Sends back a notification to the person who originally requested the observation input.
Investigator Assigned Sends a notification to the employee who was assigned to investigate the observation.
Investigation Completed Sends a notification to the health and safety administrator or facility manager who requested the investigation.
Safe Behavior Sends a notification to all the health and safety administrator and facility managers for that location when a safe behavior record is created.
Incidents Create Safety Sends a notification to all the health and safety administrators and facility managers when a safety incident is created.
Create Near Miss Sends a notification to all the health and safety administrators and facility managers when a near miss incident is created.
Investigator Assigned Sends a notification to an employee who is assigned to investigate an incident.
Investigation Completed Sends a notification to the health and safety administrator or facility safety manager who requested the investigation.
Employee Incidents Create Sends a notification to the employee who was impacted by an incident when an incident involving an employee is created.
Follow Ups Employee Assigned Sends a notification to the employee who has been assigned an incident follow-up task.