Working with an active incident
SoHo 4.0
design.- Sign in as Health & Safety Management or Health & Safety Facility Management.
Select Safety Management > Safety Incidents.
Select Safety Management > Near Misses.
- On the Active tab, select an incident.
Optionally, select one of these actions from the More Actions menu, which is indicated by an
- Update — select this to open the record in edit mode. tab, select an incident record.
- Assign Investigator — select this to assign an investigator.
- Mark As Complete — select this to move the record to the Complete tab if no further action that is required.
- If you are updating, then open the record.
- Optionally, edit the Description field to change the name of the incident.
Edit the information on these tabs:
- Details tab
Select the incident date and time, the date the incident was reported, and the initial observer of the incident. Include the investigator who is assigned to the incident and other fields detailing the incident.
Indicate whether the incident is considered an emergency situation.
De-select the Not Work Related check box if the injury was caused by the employee performing the job. De-select the box if the employee has an illness that was contracted at work. If the incident displays this field as text, then a No value indicates that the incident was work related. This feature prevents non-work-related incidents from being sent to OSHA for recordkeeping.
If this is a work-related safety incident that is suitable for inclusion in state or federal reports, then select Include In OSHA Logs. If you leave the check box blank, then the incident is omitted from OSHA reporting. Omit this from reports only if it is a duplicate or non-qualifying incident. Use the policy of your organization and the discretion of the safety administrator to determine if the incident qualifies. For example, a small cut might not qualify for OSHA reporting, but a needle stick injury must be reported to OSHA. This check box is available only if this is a safety incident that was marked as work related.
Note: Before the Include In OSHA Logs option was provided in the software, all incidents were automatically included in OSHA reports. If this is an older safety incident, then its check box was automatically selected upon upgrade. Follow the policy of your organization to determine whether it is appropriate to clear this check box.Select the appropriate Safety Category for this incident for use in reporting and lookup. If no category is suitable, then add one. See Creating safety categories
On the Location pane, specify the location where the incident happened and an Establishment field to which the location belongs. In the Location Details field, specify a location where the incident happened. For example, you can indicate Laboratory or Mailroom.
- Detailed Description tab
- Optionally, edit the Description field and provide detailed information about the incident.
- Observations tab
- View the observations that were reported for an incident. One observation might have been used to generate the incident record, and duplicate observations might have been attached to the incident. This list also shows any employee inputs that were requested by a Safety Administrator or Facility Safety Manager.
- Employee Cases tab
View or add to the list of employees who were injured or impacted by an incident. A system-generated case number is created for each employee to identify them on reports if they opt to keep their names private. You can print a paper copy of an employee’s injury report.
- Non-Employee Cases tab
View or add to the list of non-employees who were impacted by an incident. For example, this list can contain outside vendors or customers.
- Notes tab
- View or add notes that pertain to the general incident. For example, previous inspection results, photos, diagrams, witness statements. You can add a file to the incident report.
- Follow Up Tasks tab
Add or view follow-up records on these panes: Follow Up Tasks, Activities, and Health Components. See Assigning a follow-up task manually.
- Cause Assessment tab
View conditions that contributed to the incident occurrence. For example, a disorganized or dirty work environment. You can also create a cause.
- Costs tab
- View the list of incident-related costs. Optionally, open a row to view details. For example, it shows the General Ledger account being charged for the incident cost. View or add follow-up tasks that are related to an incident, activities, health components, or health series that were assigned to employees. Follow-up tasks for an incident can be added manually or from a template.
Optionally, click Print To PDF.
Or click Print Incident Summary to open output in a new tab.
The output shows incident details including location, incident date, and incident time. Sections display observations, employee and non-employee cases, notes and attachments, the cause assessment, and costs.
- Click Save.