Recognizing safe behavior (administrator)
- Sign in as Health & Safety Management.
Select Safety Management > Safe Behavior.
Select Safety Management > Safety Profiles and open the record for an employee.
- Click Recognize Safe Behavior.
Specify this information, if prompted:
- Employee
- Select the employee ID for the employee whose safe behavior you are reporting.
- Short Description
- Provide a short description of the safe behavior.
- Safe Behavior Category
- Select a category. For example, Handrail use, Safe work area, Safety-knowledge transfer. If there is not a suitable category, then you can use the Setup menu to add a category.
- Recognized By
- Select the employee ID for the employee who witnessed the safe behavior.
- Safe Behavior Date
- Select the date when this safe behavior was observed.
- Location
- Select the location where this safe behavior was observed.
- Detailed Description
- Add a detailed description of the safe behavior.
Click Submit.
The new record is displayed on the Employee Safe Behavior page.