Configuring missing time email templates

  1. Sign in as Time Administrator.
  2. Select Setup > Missing Time Email Templates.
  3. Click Create, and specify this information:
    Missing Time Email Template
    Specify a name for the missing time email template.
    Specify a description for the email template.
    Select the Active check box to make the email template active. The email template is active by default. Clear the check box to inactivate it.
    Preferred Email Language
    Select a preferred email language.
    Specify the variable or email addresses that will be the recipients of the email.
    Specify the variable or email address sending the email.
    Specify the subject of the email notification. Variables can be used.
    Specify the message to send to the recipients. Variables can be used.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Attach the email template to the Time Entry Configuration record.