Rehiring resources
Specify the information that is required to your organization. There are fields that you must configure first to your organization.
When you rehire a resource, you can add new information or update an existing record of the resource.
See the information about configurable fields and configuring features for organizations in Infor HR Talent Setup and Administration Guide.
A red asterisk is displayed in the required fields and on the required tabs.
Some fields are only available for a specific country.
- On the Infor HR Talent page, sign in as an Administrator.
- Select Resources > Resources.
- Select a resource to rehire and click Rehire.
On the Rehire Information tab in the Request To Rehire
A Resource window, specify the personal information of the resource to
- Specify the information of the main header:
- Effective Date
- Specify the effective date of the rehire request.
- Reason
- Select a reason for submitting the rehire request.
- Replacing Resource
- Select the resource to replace with a new resource to rehire.
- In the Name header, add or
update the name information of the resource from an existing record. Specify this
- Title
- Specify the title of the resource.
For example, specify Mr.
- First Name
- Specify the given name of the resource.
- Middle Name
- Specify the middle name or middle initial of the resource.
- Last Name
- Specify the family name of the resource.
- Suffix
- Optionally, specify the suffix of the
For example, specify Jr.
- Professional Designation
- Optionally, specify the professional designation of
the resource.
For example, specify Doctor.
- Preferred First Name
- Specify the preferred first name of the
If you leave this field blank, then First Name is used.
- Preferred Last Name
- Specify the preferred last name of the
If you leave this field blank, then Last Name is used.
- In the General header, add
or update the general information of the resource from an existing record. Specify
this information:
- Home Country
- Select the home country of the resource that is different from the work assignment country.
- Relationship to Organization
- Select the relationship of the resource to the organization.
- Relationship Status
- Select the resource's relationship status.Note: If the position budgets are used in your organization, then the work assignment that are included or not in the budget counts are determined in the Headcount field on the relationship status.
- Work Type
- Select the work type of the resource.
- Working Remotely
- Select this check box to define that a resource is
working remotely.
For example, working from a home office.
- Wait For Credential Before Interfacing To WFM
- If a credential value is required to create before
sending the resources record to Infor Workforce Management
interface, then select this check box. If this check box is cleared, then the
record is sent through the interface immediately. The default value of this
field is specified during the interface setup.Note: This field is only displayed when the Workforce Management check box is selected during the interface setup. You must specify the object to wait for during the interface setup. For more information, see the Infor HR Talent Integrations Documentation Library.
- In the Hire Source header,
add or update the hire source information of the resource from an existing record.
Specify this information:
- Source
- Select the source where the resource knows about the
For contracted resources, select a contractor source.
- Specific Source
- Optionally, select the specific source where the resource knows about
the position.
For example, select the name of the contracting vendor.
- Referring Source
- Optionally, specify the referring source to whom the resource knows about the position.
- In the Personal
Information header, add or update the personal information of the
resource from an existing record. Specify this information:
- Identification Number
- Select the country where the identification number of the resource is applicable and specify the primary identification number of the resource.
- Secondary Identification Number
- Specify the secondary identification number of the resource with a home country in India.
- Issue Date
- Select the issue date of the identification number of the resource.
- Expiration Date
- Select the expiration date of the identification number of the resource.
- Gender
- Select the gender of the resource.
- Ethnicity
- Specify the ethnicity of the resource.
- Hispanic Or Latino Origin
- Select the Hispanic check box to define that the resource has a Hispanic origin. Select the Latino check to define that the resource has a Latin origin.
- Race
- Select the applicable race of the resource.
- Disability Type
- Optionally, select the disability category of the resource.
- Disability Severity
- Specify the disability severity of the disability type for a resource with India payroll.
- Nationality
- Specify the nationality of the resource.
This field is configurable by country.
- Nationality Country
- Select the country of the resource's nationality.
This field is configurable by country.
- Veteran Code
- Select the veteran type of the resource.
- Protected Veteran Status
- Select the status of the veteran status of the resource.
- Religion
- Select the religion of the resource.
- Marital Status
- Select the marital status of the resource.
- Birthdate
- Select the birth date of the resource.
- Point Of Origin
- Select the point of origin of a resource who must
travel for an organization.
Points of origins are created in the administrator setup.
- In the Dates header,
update the rehiring date information of the resource from an existing
- Start Date
- Select the start date of the resource.
- Adjusted Start Date
- Select a date that is not the same as the start
For example, the resource does not physically start on the start date, or starts on the start date but misses a few days then starts again.
- First Date Worked
- Specify the first date the resource works for the organization.
- Anniversary
- Specify the anniversary date of the resource in your organization.
- Seniority
- Specify the date on which to base seniority-based benefits.
- In the Separation
Information header, add or update the termination information of the
resource to rehire from an existing record:
- Termination
- Specify the termination date of the resource in your organization.
- Last Date Worked
- Specify the last working date of the resource in your organization.
- Last Date Paid
- Specify the last paying date of the resource in your organization.
- In the Contract (Legacy)
header, add or update the contract information of the resource that is associated with
a new position:
- Reason for Contract
- Select the reason to create a contract.
- Contract Type
- Select the contract type.
- Contract Template
- Select the contract template to use.
- Contract Number
- Specify the contract number.
- Begin Date
- Select the beginning date of the contract.
- Duration
- Specify the number and select the days, weeks, months, or years of the duration of the contract.
- End Date
- Select the ending date of the contract.
- Contracted Time
- Select the work time of the resource on a contract.
Contracted time is the number of hours, weeks, and months per day, month, or year that the resource is committed to work and the employer is committed to provide.
- Contractual FTE
- Specify the full time equivalent for the contractual position.
- Renewal Notification Date
- Select the notification date for the renewal of the contract.
- Renewal Date
- Select the renewal date of the contract.
- In the Other Amounts header, add or update up to five sets of other compensation amounts and up to five currencies of other compensation amounts of the resource from an existing record.
- In the Address header, add or update the complete address of
the resource from an existing record:
- Country
- Street Address
- City
- State/Province
- Zip Code
- Region
- County/District
- In the Work Contact Information header, add or update the
contact information of the resource from an existing record:
- Telephone Type
- Select the telephone type for the phone number of the resource.
- Country/Jurisdiction Code
- Specify the country code for the phone number of the resource.
- Phone Number
- Specify the full phone number of the resource.
- Ext
- Optionally, specify the extension number in the phone number of the resource.
- Preferred Telephone Contact
- Select this check box to define that the specified phone number is the preferred telephone contact of the resource.
- Email Address
- Specify the email address of the resource.
If the email address is the preferred email address of the resource, then select the Preferred Email Contact check box. If the email address is used as the work email address of the resource, then select the Preferred Work Email Address check box.
- In the Benefit Enrollment
header, add or update the benefit information of the resource from an existing
- Enrollment Event
- Specify the applicable enrollment event.
- Event Date
- Specify the event date for the enrollment event.
- In the Credential header,
specify this information:
- Credential
- Select the credential of the resource to add.
You can add more credentials on the talent profile of the resource.
- Original Credential Date
- Select the date when the credential is earned of the resource.
- Expiration Date
- Select the expiration date of the resource's credential.
- Validated
- Select this check box to validate the credential.
- Validation Date
- Select a validation date of the credential of the resource.
- Description
- Specify a description of the document that is relevant to the credential.
- Credential
- To upload a document that is relevant to the credential, click Browse, select the document, and click Open.
- In the Qualification Grace Period header, add or update the
period to obtain a required qualification of the resource from an existing record:
- Grace Period
- Select a grace period the credential of the resource.
- Grace Period End Date
- Specify the end date of the grace period for obtaining the credential of the resource.
- Credential
- Select the type of credential that the resource must obtain at the end of the grace period.
- Comments
- Optionally, provide comments that are related to the credential of the resource.
- In the Action Comment section, provide any other information in support of your hire request.
- Specify the information of the main header:
Click the Work Information
tab and update the work information of the resource to rehire:
- In the Workforce
Management header, specify this information:
- Badge Number
- Specify the badge number of the resource.
- Enable Biometrics
- Select this check box to enable biometrics of the resource.
- Enforce Schedule Validation
- Select this check box to enable the schedule validation of the resource.
- Manager Reader Level
- Select this check box to enable the schedule validation of the resource.
- In the Work Assignment
header, specify the new work assignment information of the resource:
- Work Assignment Option
- To replace the current primary work assignment of the resource,
select Update First Work Assignment. To add a new work
assignment to the current work assignment of the resource, select
Create Work Assignment.
When you select Create Work Assignment, the new assignment is automatically added as the primary work assignment of the resource.
- Assignment Expiration
- Select the expiration date of the work assignment of the resource.
- Assignment Type
- Select the assignment type of the resource:
- Permanent
- Temporary
Note: If position budgets are used in your organization, then the work assignment in budget counts is determined in the Headcount field on the assignment type. If the Headcount field is Excluded, then the work assignment is not included in budget counts. If the Headcount field is blank or Included, the work assignment is included in the budget counts. - Position
- Select the new position of the resource.
The primary work assignment of the resource is defined in this required field. If you select an existing position, then all fields that are related to the position of the resource are used automatically.
- Job
- Select the new job of the resource.
If you select the new position of the resource in the Position field, then the default job of the position is displayed.
- Professional Category
- Optionally, select the professional category to which the resource belongs.
- Organization Unit
- Select the organization unit to which the resource
When this field is not used in an existing position, a message is displayed to inform that you must select the organization unit.
- Legal Entity
- Select the legal entity of an organization to which the resource belongs.
- Legal Establishment
- Select the legal establishment of an organization to which the resource to hire belongs.
- Company
- Select a company to an expense account.
If your organization is configured to use Chart of Accounts, then this field is displayed. This field is used to interface expenses and activities to Infor Financials and Supply Management.
- Accounting Unit
- Select an accounting unit to an expense account.
This field is used to interface expenses and activities to Infor Financials and Supply Management.
- Account
- Optionally, select an account to an expense account.
This field is used to interface expenses and activities to Infor Financials and Supply Management.
- Activity
- Optionally, select an activity to an expense account.
- Account Category
- Optionally, select an account category to an expense account.
- Location
- Select the location where the resource to rehire
If you select the new position of the resource in the Position field, then the default location of the position is displayed.
- Holiday Schedule Override
- Select the applicable holiday schedule to the work contract of the
Holiday schedule override is different to each country.
- Preferred Job Title
- Specify the preferred job title that is different
from the position description.
If you select the new position of the resource in the Position field, then the default preferred job title of the position is displayed.
- Work Schedule
- Optionally, select a work schedule for the resource.
- Shift
- Select the shift number of the resource that is assigned to a specific shift.
- Union
- Optionally, select the union of the resource.
- Bargaining Unit
- Optionally, select the bargaining unit of the resource.
- EEO 4 Function
- Select the function for which you are creating the report. If you leave this field blank, then all functions are selected.
- In the Manager Information header, specify the manager
information of the new work assignment of the resource:
- Direct Manager
- Select the manager role who the resource reports
When this field is not used in an existing position, a message is displayed to inform that you must select the direct manager.
- Dotted-Line Manager
- Optionally, select the manager role who supervises the resource indirectly on the primary work assignment.
- Is A Manager
- If the resource to rehire is a manager, then select a manager role.
- In the Trial And Notice
Periods header, specify the trial and notice period of the new work
assignment of the resource:
- Trial Period
- Optionally, select the appropriate trial period to the new work assignment.
- Trial Period End Date Override
- Specify a date to override the system-calculated
date to the new work assignment.
The trial period end date is calculated by the system based on the type of date selected as the date when to start counting.
- Notice Period During Trial Period
- Optionally, select the notice period of termination during the trial
period of the new work assignment to the resource.
This field is country-specific.
- Notice Period After Trial Period
- Optionally, select the notice period of termination after completing
the trial period of the new work assignment to the resource.
This field is country-specific.
- Specify the payroll and compensation information that is related to the new work
assignment of the resource for these headers:
- Payroll
- Compensation
- Compensation Analysis
See the information about specifying payroll information in Specifying payroll information for US or Canada hires and Specifying payroll information for India hires.
- In the Work Assignment Comments field, provide comments that are related to the new work assignment of the resource.
- In the Grant Management field, specify the compensation
information that is provided by a grant of the resource:
- Labor Distribution
- Select this check box to define that the work assignment is subject to labor distribution.
- Salary Encumbrance
- Select this check box to define that the work assignment is subject to salary encumbrance.
- Encumbrance Fringe Rate
- Specify the encumbrance fringe rate.
- Fringe Encumbrance Account Category
- Specify the account category to which the fringe encumbrance amounts are posted.
- Company
- Specify the GL company to which the Grant Management transactions are posted.
- Fringe Encumbrance Account
- Select the GL account to which fringe encumbrance amounts are posted.
- Effort Reporting
- Select this check box to define that the resource is subject to effort reporting.
- Effort Currency
- If you select the Effort Reporting check box, then select this check box.
- Primary Company
- Specify the primary company for effort reporting.
- Certifier
- Select the primary certifier for effort reporting.
- Secondary Company
- Specify the primary company for effort reporting.
- Certifier
- Select the secondary certifier for effort reporting.
- In the Workforce
Management header, specify this information:
Click the Provisioning tab and add users to
the system.
See the information about user provisioning in Infor HR Talent Setup and Administration Guide.
Click the Other Payroll tab and configure the
India payroll, Middle East payroll, and pay elements in your organization.
See the information about payroll component configuration and pay elements in Infor HR Talent Setup and Administration Guide.
Click the Attachment tab and attach supporting documents that is related to a rehire
resource request:
- Description
- Specify a description of the document to attach.
- Attach Supporting Document
- To attach a document, click the Browse icon.
Click Submit.
If the approval for rehire requests are not modified by your organization, then the rehire request is approved immediately.
If you select Update First Work Assignment, then the previous primary assignment of the resource is replaced with the work assignment that you create in the Work Assignment header.
If you select Create New Work Assignment, then the work assignment you create is added to the existing work assignment of the resource as the new primary work assignment.